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ducted from femoral Zantac 300 Mg to femoral artery, or from carotid to carotid. 4. Unless the blood is surcharged with chloroform, the vapor of which may most easily be absorbed in the lung-tissue, no sleep or anaesthesia will follow the administration of chloro- form. I am well aware that there are some Purchase Zantac Online cases in which large doses of chloroform have been Cheap Zantac swallowed, followed by a comatose condition of the patient ; the effects in these cases were not always anaesthetic nor hypnotic, but were in a great measure due to a probable congestion in the nervous centres, 5. The physiological action of chloroform is due to the interference with the process of oxidation of tissue, produced by altering the physical condition of the blood corpuscles, Zantac Coupon and rendering them incapable of Zantac 150 carrying sufficient oxygen Online Zantac through the tissues. I*Tow, we will consider the result of clinical experience in the use of chloroform and chloral : CHLOKOFOKM. The first symptom, when the va- por is cautiously inhaled, is exhila- ration of circulation, and of mental action. The second symptom is exag- geration of sounds in the room, of the power of sensation, and of dis- turbed Buy Zantac Online locomotion. The third symptom is Zantac 75 Mg a liglit sleep, accompanied with muscular excitement, and followed Zantac Buy very soon by sound sleep. The fourtli symptom is muscu- lar relaxation, and Zantac Online loss of reflex movements. CHLORAL. The first symptom is an Zantac 150mg inter- ference with the power of locomo- tion and certain heaviness of intel- lectual etFort. The second symptom is somno- lence, and sleep resembling natural sleep, from which the person may be partially aroused and then relapse into the same condition. In small doses, especially in some persons, this drug causes a mental excitement, sometimes delirium ; by some authors, exaggeration of sen- sation occurs after the use of this drug, though others maintain that there is a diminution of sensation. A third symptom, denied by no careful observer, 300 Mg Zantac is exaggeration of reflex movements. A fourth (toxical) eftect Buy Zantac is anjes- thesia and muscular relaxation, most generally followed by death. EtfPETIGO CONTAGIOSA, ETC. 623 Morphia in Small Doses. — The administration, especially hypodermic, causes a soothing of the senses, followed by a gradual falling off to sleep, and the pulsations of the arteries Zantac Mg become slower. This sleep may last for fi-om three to ten hours. In larger doses this drug produces an excitement, in some persons frenz.y, and the intelligence Where To Buy Zantac is obtuse ; the speech is incoheren t ; there is a muscular excitement, and, if the patient attempts to walk, he staggers. If sleep follows, the slightest noise or jar of the bed produces a sudden muscular tremor, showing an exaggeration of reflex movements. This last effect has been quite clearly demonstrated by Claude Ber- nard * in a series of lectures on anaesthetics, in 18t)9, before the College de France. I have merely considered the effects of morphia in a per- son of ordinary health, and not during the complications of disease ; and I might say the same was in my mind in speak- ing of chloral and chloroform. The weight of evidence is certainly opposed to the theory of ansesthesia (except as a precursor of fatal result from an overdose) by moderate doses of chloral, while most clearly does it appear that exaggerated reflex movements follow the exhibition of an hypnotic dose. Consequently, the theory, that the symptoms following the Purchase Zantac use of chloral are the same as we Zantac 150 Mg Order Zantac should obtain in chloroformization, cannot at present be ad- mitted. I am at present engaged Order Zantac Online in studying the physiological action of the drug, and hope, at some future time, to present the result of my investigations.

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