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consequently, with one exception only, those experiments con- ducted after his method will be related, though there are nu- merous others in which other methods of analysis were care- fully tried. I give merely one experiment, which may serve to illus- trate the uselessness of relying upon results of experiments which are founded only upon the sense of smell : ExPEEiMENT X. — To a dog were given thirty grains of chloral, and the mouth was then carefully and repeatedly washed with water, to prevent any smell of chloral which might be linseriue: about the mouth. As soon as the ani- mal was asleep, the exhalations from the nose and mouth 618 EXPERIMENTS 0]S' ANIMALS, were conducted into a (U) Yasmin Ed Tablets tube packed with asbestos, and tlience into a wash-bottle containing distilled water. This last water, and a portion of the asbestos, and as much moisture as could be collected from the U-tube, were then placed in a retort and distilled over into a receiver. The liquid distilled had a strong animal smell, mingled with a Yasmin 21 Tablets peculiar, sweetish smell which could not be distinguished as either chloroform or chloral. A solution of potassa was added, and the peculiar, sweetish smell was stronger, but mingled with so strong a smell of animal matters that I could not determine whether this smell was due to chloral or to chloroform. I divided the substance, and into one-half I placed two drops of chloroform ; but even then my confusion between the smell from each por- tion was not relieved. Again, a fragment of chloral was placed in the .same retort and distilled through the same tubes unwashed ; the same odor was perceived as before, and not materially different, even after the addition of Yasmin Generic Price a solution of caustic potassa. This experiment will suffice to illustrate the futility of re- lying only upon the sense of smell for the presence of chloro- form or chloral, especially when combined with organic vola- tile substances. Chloral-hydrate is eliminated as such, and is not decom- 2>osed in the System. — "We come now to the consideration of an important subject in connection with the effects of the ingestion of chloral : I refer to the elimination of chloral. Liebreich claimed that, though a large portion of chloral may be elimi- nated Yasmin Generic Brand undecomposed, yet that the action of the drug was due to the slow formation of chloroform by the decomposition of chlo- ral, Yasmin 28 Generic when in the presence of the alkaline carbonates in the blood. As anaesthesia cannot be produced by the inhalation of chloro- form, until the blood becomes surcharged Generic Brand For Yasmin with its vapor, we should expect to find in the exhalations from the lungs, which is the principal organ of elimination for this ansesthetic agent, signs of the presence of chloroform, provided the action of chloral is due to the evolution of its product Generic Name For Yasmin (chlorofoi-m) Buying Yasmin Online of oxidation. To test this question, the following Yasmin 3 Mg experiments were de- vised and carried out : WITH CHLOEAL-HYDEATE. 619 ExPEEiMENT XI. — To a dog was given a piece (grains xxx) of Morson's chloral, and she was then allowed to drink about two ounces of water. Ten minutes after its ingestion, the characteristic symptoms of the action of chloral were observed, such as clumsy walking, and Ocella Generic For Yasmin staggering gait on account of weakness of the hind-legs. The dog seemed not to be able to see objects distinctly, as she kept running her head Zarah Generic For Yasmin against the chairs and other obstruc- tions which were in her path. In twenty minutes she lay down before the fire and went to sleep. I then securely fastened an air-tight muzzle, provided with a valvular inlet and outlet tube, over her head. The dog was then allowed to inhale air, and her exhalations were conducted through a com- bustion-tube packed with asbestos, heated to a red heat in a Hoffmann gas-furnace (containing over one hundred Bunsen jets), and Generic Version Of Yasmin then into a Liebig's bulb containing an acidulated aqueous solution of nitrate of silver i-^). The combustion- tube was kept at a Generic Form Of Yasmin red heat for three-quarters of an hour, but no precipitate formed in the Buy Yasmin Uk potassa-bulb, and no smell of free chlorine could be detected as coming out from the tube. At the end of this time, an hour and a half from the com- mencement of the experiment, thirty drops of Generic Brand Of Yasmin chloroform were introduced by the hypodermic syringe into the outside portion of the right hind-leg, a Buy Yasmin Online Uk few drops of blood following the with- drawal of the point of the syringe. The animal seemed im- mediately to awake on feeling the puncture, uttered one or two cries, and struggled, attempting to withdraw the leg, but soon after relapsed into the former condition of sleep. In the course of ten minutes the silver solution became clouded Yasmin Generic Name with a light precipitate. The dog was then made to inhale air passing over Buy Generic Yasmin an open dish containing one drachm of chloroform. Ten inspira- tions were made, and about one-half of the quantity of chlo- roform evaporated or was inhaled. Immediately thereafter dense fumes passed from the combustion-tube into the potass.- bulb, leaving a dense Generic Yasmin Zarah white precipitate, a large quantity of the vapor escaping at the outlet in the form of chlorine gas. The white precipitate was insoluble in nitric acid, but soluble in ammonia. I have observed that generally in the daytime 620 EXPERIMENTS ON ANIMALS,

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