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dicates the corpus caveruosum, a, a, the lighter portion the albuginca of the corpus voltaren sr 75 mg tablet caver-
nosam, b, b, b. Tlie mesheis are all filled with blood, in consequence of which the structure
of this part appears considerably more voltaren sr 100mg distinct than when these cavities are empty. In-
ternal to the albuginea of the coi-pus caveraosum are seen a large number of veins, c, c, c,
forming a plexus. The direct connection of some of these veins with the meshes of the
corpus cavemosum can be seen voltaren in canada at *, *.
These muscles are supplied voltaren 50mg diclofenac with nerves by the pudic
branch of the sacral plexus, and it is an interesting fact, capa-
ble of demonstration upon tlie lower voltaren xr 100 animals, that after di-
vision of this nerve the penis is incapal3le of erection.
In the passive condition the natural tonicity of the mus-
cular trellis-work of the penis is sufficient to maintain the
walls of the venous cells in apposition ; and they, together with
the sphinctoric action of the circular fibres around the mouths
of the arterial helicinse, prevent the flow of blood into these
cells. But, when the parts are stimulated to erection, the voltaren 100 mg retard mus-
cular bands are obliged to yield to the distending force of the
Fig. 8—5', h, i, j, k, /—represents the various shapes of the arteriae helicinse, voltaren ec tablets 50mg which
are frequently found in injected preparations of the corpus cavemosum. Magnified 15
The description of the plates is taken from voltaren xr 100 mg " Die Ratiouelle Behandlong der HamrOh-
ren-stricturen, voltaren 75 sr by Dr. B. Stilling. voltaren generic name
blood (according to Miiller, it voltaren rapid 25mg appears that the blood accumu-
lating in the penis during erection is subjected to a pressure
equal to that of a column of water six feet in height). The
meshes become tilled, and remain so until the stimulus to
erection subsides, when the acceleratores urinse and erectores
penis muscles relax, and remove the pressure from the veins.
The trabeculse (non-striped muscles) of the penis now con-
tract and expel the blood from the dilated venous cells.
The contractile force of the corpus spongiosum voltaren ec 75 mg is well dis-
played in persons who, lor the first time, submit to the intro-
duction of a catheter or sound into the urethra ; the entrance
of the instrument is often sensibly opposed, and during with-
drawal it is forcibly expelled.
This generic for voltaren phenomenon cannot be attributed entirely to the
action of the acceleratores urinse and compressor voltaren ec urethrae
muscles, for it is manifest even within an inch of the external
The action of the muscular trellis-work of the corpus spon-
giosum, as it affects micturition and the ejaculation of the
spermatic fluid, is of interest. During micturition, the entire
corpus spongiosum, as well as the urethra, becomes somewhat
stretched. At the end of micturition the tonicity of the trel-
lis-work is sufficient to coaptate the walls of the urethra, and
to expel the last drops of urine which may remain in the an-
terior portion of the voltaren in usa canal. This pressure is strongest at those
parts where the urethra and its surrounding meshes are nar-
row ; and voltaren topical weakest where these cavities are wide, and con- voltaren xr 100mg
sequently more dilatable, as at the bulb.
As the external fibrous investment of the corpus caver-
nosum consists of broad, thick bands of connective tissue, it
becomes firmer, harder, and more unyielding during erection,
than the corpus spongiosum. The latter being smaller in cir-
cumference, with its external fibrous investment interspersed
with non-striped muscular bands, it remains even generic name for voltaren during the
most complete erection, and during the ejaculation of the
sperm, sufficiently dilatable or voltaren for sale distensible to permit the semi-
nal fiuid to flow through the canal. Should the corpus spon-
giosum attain that degree of hardness which the corpus caver-
nosum acquires, the canal would not yield to the pressure of
the sperm, and ejaculation would be obstructed.
The pressure which the corpus spongiosum is capable of
exerting upon the uretlu-a becomes quite considerable, when
to the natural tonicity of its muscular trellis-work above men-
tioned there is added a special stimulus to contraction, which
obtains when the penis is brought to a state of erection.
Each new pulsation increases the quantity , of blood in the
meshes or venous cavities, and this — as it were — supplemen-
tary body within these cavities stimulates the muscular bands
to increased activity. The pressure now brought to bear by
these bands very materially assists the acceleratores urinae and
compressor urethras muscles in communicating an expulsive
impetus to the outflowing stream of urine or seminal fluid.
The greater the special force exerted by the contraction of
the acceleratores urinae during ejaculation, the more is the
erection of the penis augmented, and the concentrical pressure
of the muscular trellis-work upon the spermatic fluid in-
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