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./ / 3RPCS Spongiosum Urethra.— :-ee page 597. ■fc' NEW YORK MEDICAL JOURNAL: A MONTHLY BE COED CF MEDICIM AND THE COLLATERAL SCIENCES. Vol. XV.] JUNE, 1872. [No. 6. #ri0mn:I CnmmunkntbiTS . Akt. I. — Normal synthroid tablets Presence of Alcohol in the Blood. By "Wm. ITuTsoN FoKD, M. D,, Professor of Physiology in the New Orleans School of Medicine. During the winter of ISSi-'So, a synthroid mg course of lectures on " Ex- perimental Physiology " was delivered at the College of France, by M. price of synthroid Claude Bernard, of which a condensed report by one of his pupils, under the supervision of the distinguished physi- ologist, was shortly afterward published. In these lectures, M. Bernard reviewed before his class, both didactically and ex- perimentally, his most important investigations concerning the glycogenitic function of the liver, and the influence of the ner- vous system, in certain order synthroid morbid states, upon this remarkable secretory process. I had been fortunate enough, in previous years, to attend similar courses, in private and in public, by M. Bernard, and continued to feel very deeply interested in his untiring physiological investigations. I could not, however, recollect that he had ever expressed himself definitely with generic synthroid regard to the purposes and purchase synthroid mode of destruction, in the economy, of tlie glucose he had discovered ; and, upon obtaining a copy of the publication above referred to, I sought through the vol- ume for a declaration of where to buy synthroid his views upon these points. On S6 562 NORMAL PEESENCE OF page 242 he states that it is difficult to designate the uses of hepatic glucose synthroid cheap in the bodj ; and on the succeeding page em- phatically avows his disbelief synthroid online in its calorifaciant destination; expressing a order synthroid online conviction that it is devoted to purposes of '"'■far greater importance^'' viz., to what he terms " animal synthroid levothyroxine germi- nation." As many reasons inclined me to adopt a different opinion, I determined to purchase synthroid online investigate the matter, and accord- ingly conducted an experimental series with this view, whose principal results were published in 1859, under the auspices of a scientific body, of Charleston, S. C. This paper is in part a resume of the monograph referred to, M. Bernard had insti- tuted some experiments, to which I must refer the reader {loc. cit.^ buy synthroid pp. 233-236), upon the disappearance of sugar in blood after a lapse of time varying from some hours to two or three days, not with a view of determining the mode of its destruc- tion, but to ascertain the influence exerted by various gases upon its disappearance. He found that in blood placed under these gases, or through which at synthroid price one time oxygen, synthroid mcg at another carbonic acid, nitrogen, hydrogen, arseniuretted hydrogen, or cost of synthroid air, was diflfiised by agitation, sugar, sooner or later, but inva- riably, disappeared. "With regard, however, to the mode of destruction of sugar in these synthroid cost cases, or the nature of the prod- uct of its transformation, M. Bernard was silent. On attentively considering the general fact of the disap- pearance of glucose, under circumstances apparently so oppo- site, I suspected that it might be due buy cheap synthroid to a fermentative synthroid buy online pro- cess of some sort. If so, the two fermentations most likely to have occurred were the lactiG and the alcoholic. For a va- riety of reasons, which I have elsewhere stated, I felt myself

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