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What makes this case of sin- gular importance is the fact that Order Serevent Online death took place in each instance Order Serevent without the cause being ascertained, the inquest and jpost mortem of one leading to the exhumation and analytical examination of the abdominal contents of the others, with the result of finding sufiicient antimony to account for death. — Lancet. 538 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL AND LITERARY NOTES. Akt. I. — Cancerous and other Intra-thoracic Groivths ; their Natural History and Diagnosis. By James Risdon Ben- nett, M. D. London : J. & A. Churcliill. This little volume contains a concise history of intra-thora- cic cancer, with cases illustrating its various modes of devel- opment. The subject is divided into three parts : 1. Dis- seminated cancer ; 2. Order Salmeterol Online Localized or circumscribed cancer ; 3. Cancerous and other tumors of the mediastinum. In the di- agnosis of disseminated cancer our author attaches great im- portance to the character of the dyspnoea. If it is paroxysmal, and unattended by the ordinary physical signs of obstructed bronchial tubes, he considers it almost positive evidence of cancer. Stokes also speaks of the same symptom, but does not attach a like importance to it. An examination of the clinical cases shows that the can- cerous deposit is not confined to the lungs, but is found also in other organs. Nor is there any reason for supposing Order Salmeterol that the disease manifested itself primarily on the lungs. Dr. Bennett believes that the disseminated variety of lung-cancer does not ulcerate or produce any morbid change in the lung- tissue. This view is not sustained by other observers. Can- cer in all its Buy Serevent forms is an irritant, and as such usually excites inflammatory action in its neighborhood to a greater or less extent. Des-enerative chano-es likewise ensue from the mere pressure of the deposit. In those instances where morbid changes in the intervening tissues are absent, the cancerous formations are of such extent, and involve so many diflPerent organs, that life is destroyed before these peculiar changes can occur. The clinical examples throughout the volume are very carefully analyzed, and the practical deductions in diagnosis and treatment are given suitable prominence. Recognized pathological features are grouped in an intelligible form, with- out any attempt at useless theorizing. The author has done a Purchase Serevent Online good work in thus throwing more light on the obscure sub- ject of cancer, and has made a very readable book, valuable alike to the specialist and general practitioner. 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