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and tombs, there are occasional instances of persons being exposed purchase provera to these matters in a most concentrated and long-cou- ' " ISTouveaux provera mg Elements cheap provera d'Eygiene." Paris, 1847, p. 454. "Dictionnaire d'Hygiene Publique et de Salubrit6," etc., par Ambroise Tardieu, Paris, 1854, tome ii., p. 298, article " luliuraations." Op. provera online et loc. cit. LECT[JEES OX PUBLIC HYGIENE. 519 tinned form without any ill consequences following. The Church of the Capucins, at Kome, aflbrds a notable example of the truth of this assertion. For several hundred years all the monks belonging to the monastery attached to that church, who have died, have been buried in a small cellar under the building. After the soft parts have become decomposed, the skeletons are taken up and placed in their monastic garments around the walls of the room. Subsequently, when the joints likewise have yielded to the inroads of time, the bones are ar- ranged order provera online on the walls and ceiling in the form of rosettes, ara- besques, and other fanciful figure?. There are always ten or twelves bodies in the ground, and as many skeletons standing around the room. The whole apartment is a charnel-house made up almost entirely of the debris of human bodies in all stages of decomposition ; and yet there is buy provera no instance of any sickness having occurred, among the thousands of persons who annually visit it, which could in the slightest degree be attrib- uted to any influence exerted by the locality, and the monks who live over it and who visit it constantly are remarkable for their sleek and rotimd appearance. Indeed, the good-natured friar, who has acted as the janitor and exhibitor of this strange chamber for several years, is buy provera online a wonderful specimen of robust order medroxyprogesterone health. To be sure, the earth — which has long since been re- placed by the debris of the dead — was originally brought from Jerusalem, and may, therefore, in the opinion of some persons, be supposed to possess peculiar disinfectant qualities. In regard to the whole subject of putrid emanations, I will repeat that, in the present state of our knowledge, it is desira- ble not to locate habitations in situations where they can, in the least degree, reach the inmates, and that old camping- grounds, graveyards, cemeteries, and tombs, are to be espe- cially avoided. But at the same time it must purchase medroxyprogesterone not be forgotten that public opinion and prejudice have exaggerated the ill effects which are liable to occur from exjDosure to the products of the decomposition of animal substances in the open air. The resume given by Meury * is so thoroughly in provera tablets acoordance with my own views on this matter that I quote it entire : ' " Cours d'Hygiene fait a la Faculte de Medeciue de buy medroxyprogesterone online Paris," t. premier, Paris, 1852-'53, p. 229. 520 LECTUEES ON PUBLIC HYGIENE. 1. " When the putrefaction of animal substances goes on in a confined atmosphere, it sometimes gives origin to non-respira- ble or deleterious gases which cause either asphyxia or a more or less grave toxic efiect. 2. " In exceptional provera cost circumstances, as yet imperfectly un- derstood, animal bodies, in process of decomposition in the open air, disengage deleterious gases, probably formed by sulphuretted and phosphuretted hydrogen. This evolution especially takes place during the first stage of the buy cheap provera putrefac- tion of the abdomen of animals. 3. " The disengagement of generic provera these deleterious gases con- stitutes a true ^mephitism, capable of causing serious diseases, or even instant death, such as that produced purchase provera online by sewers or privies. But this accidental mephitism does not necessarily imply the general and absolute injurious character of putrid emanations. 4. " In view of the immense buy cheap medroxyprogesterone centres of putrefaction which exhale their putrid vapors and gases over large populations without increasing the mortality, and without causing the de- velopment of diseases buy medroxyprogesterone of miasmatic origin, we cannot avoid the conclusion that order provera in general the emanations from putrefying animal matters are not deleterious, and that perhaps they are capable of exercising a favorable and prophylactic effect. 5. " Examples have been cited of diseases being more or less manifestly produced by putrid emanations. But the number of these instances is relatively extremely small. They do not invalidate the general rule, and are attributable to in- dividual circumstances and particular predispositions. 6. " As M. Londe correctly remarks, a strong constitution of the individual, a good state of health, physical exercise, nutritious food, and habitual exposure to putrid emanations, diminish the aptitude to be injuriously affected by them, while the contrary circumstances augment this disposition." In regard to the statements made in this last paragraph, I may state that they are applicable to all contagious or infec- tious diseases whatsoever. Kow, what is the nature of the gases given off by animal substances in a state of decomposition ? Analysis shows that they in part owe their deleterious properties to the provera price presence of carbonic-acid gas, carburetted LECTURES OjST PUBLIC HYGIE^VTE. 521 hydrogen, ammoniacal compounds, pliospliuretted hydrogen,

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