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Dublin Colleges, Buy Megalis and of the United States Pharmacopoeia. To this work lie also added many valuable articles and extensive Megalis 20 notes. In 1844, he supervised and revised an edition of the " Pharmacologia, or, the Theory and Art of Prescribing," by J. A. Paris, M. D., which was published by the Harpers. About twenty-six or twenty-seven years ago, Dr. Lee wrote for the JS^ew York Churchman, at the request of the editor, a series of essays entitled " Medica Sacra," which were published in its weekly columns. They attracted much attention. Besides the works already mentioned and printed, the doctor prepared, during the last years of his life, a work on the " Indigenous Materia Medica of the United States," which is in manuscript, and would form a volume of about six hundred pages, and would be a valuable contribution 444 OBITUAEY. to this department of medicine. In addition to those noticed, a number of other useful volumes were written or edited by the subject of this memoir. Ilew^as a constant and volu- minous contributor to various scientific, literary, and pro- fessional journals, at home and abroad, for more than forty years. Ilis writings on hygiene, the laws of health, tem- perance, and the influence of alcohol — i. e., liquors — on the human body, were commenced in the year 1828, and con- tinued through various channels to the time of his death. Dr. Leo was one of the first to Megalis Online detect and call attention to the extensive and dangerous adulteration of malt-liquors in the Megalis 10 United States, which, by careful analysis, he demonstrated, in 1834, from ten different samples of Albany ale. Ilis wide-spread reputation as a forcible writer upon the subject of temperance induced the British Temperance Reform League to invite Dr. Lee, while in England, in 1862, to deliver an address before them at their annual meeting in Exeter Hall, London. His remarks Megalis Price on the occasion gave great satisfaction, and he received a unanimous vote of thanks. Dr. Lee first visited Europe in 1848, for the purpose of recruiting his health, which had become greatly im- paired by his close and severe labors. During this visit he became acquainted with many of the distinguished and lead- ing medical and scientific men of Great Britain and the Con- tinent. He visited all the most noted hospitals and public institutions. He took a special interest in studying the management of institutions for the insane, and wrote a series of papers on this subject, of decided ability, which did much to Megalis Tablet inform the profession of our country of the improvements introduced into hospitals for the insane. An absence of nine months, with the agreeable society he met, and the tonic of travel, entirely restored him to health, and Megalis 20mg on his return he at once renewed the routine of his usual duties as teacher, editor, author, and practitioner. The character of Dr. Lee's mind, and the range of studies that engaged his attention, entitle him to be ranked with a class of medical men, never numerous in any country, such as Rush, Mitchell, Hosack, Francis, Drake, etc. His thoughts took a philosophic range of great scope, manifesting some OBITUARY. 445 preference for the natural and exact sciences. This quality of his mind, with his thorough and comprehensive studies, led him to be selected and esteemed as one of the most important medical experts in our country. He was a man of genial dis- position, elegant manners, and was affable and courteous to all. He was thoroughly unselfish, and ready at all times to help others; and was particularly the friend and supporter of young men entering the profession. His sympathies were active and humanitarian in their turn, and often brought him before the public. In the spring of 1862, the second year of the war. Dr. Lee visited Europe to collect plans, models, and specifications of the best and most recent naval, civil, and military hospitals of Great Britain and the Continent, for the use of the United States Government. In the prosecution of this philanthropic enter- prise Megalis 20 Mg he was eminently successful. The heads of the War and ]^avy Departments of Great Britain, with much consideration and promptitude, Megalis India placed at his disj)0sal accurate maps and drawings, with working plans and specifications of the Megalis Tablets most approved naval and military hosj)itals of the kingdom. These, with others, were placed in the archives of the War Depart- ment at Washington, and served, no doubt, as valuable models for the erection of similar establishments during the progress of the war. During the same year, while on an extended tour through England, France, Germany, Switzerland, Prus- sia, Austria, and Italy, he wi'ote Megalis 10 Mg for the American Medical Times, of ISTew York, about fifty elaborate and carefully-pre- ]^ared letters, designed to furnish useful and important facts and information to our army and naval surgeons, as well as to practitioners generally, in regard to military and naval hygiene hospitals, and hospital hygiene, bringing prominently forward the medical and surgical treatment of patients in the various public charitable institutions of the different countries, and their special arrangements and management. Before leaving England on this tour. Dr. Lee was elected a member of the " British Social Science Congi-ess," then holding its annual session in London, with Lord Brougham as its presi- dent. The doctor was unanimously called to preside over the section of the health department of that useful association.

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