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with the latter in various forms of eczema and psoriasis. For that purpose he employed two grains of phosphorus in oil, and administered thi-ee to seven drops thrice daily in some mucilaginous vehicle after meals. In this manner six cases 432 MISCELLANEOUS A'NB SCIENTIFIC NOTES. of eczema were successfully treated, of wliicli one concerned a young girl of twelve years of age wdth eczema of the head, which, within three months, had extended upon the forehead and face. At first she took four drops, and subsequently five, of the phosphorated oil, continuing thus for three months, without any ill effect; after that time it was necessary to suspend the remedy on account of indisposition ; after three weeks he resumed the medicine, and, a fortnight later, of the entire eruption there remained but a slight redness of the skin, which finally disappeared Buy Lopressor upon the use of frictions with creosote and red-precipitate ointment. The cases of psoriasis numbered six in all : of which two resisted the phosphorus, as well as all other medication ; two disappeared with the em- ployment of phosphorus alone, and two others with phos- phorus and frictions with ci*eosote. Disturbances of Sensibility after lopressor 50 Gunshot - Wounds. [Bet'I. Klin. Woch., 20, 1871.] — Berger found in simple muscular shot-wounds, without injury to large nervous trunks, extensive disorders of sensation in the vicinity of the scar in the entire wounded limb ; and, as regards the nervous plexus in the neigh- borhood of the gunshot-wound, in many cases there appeared, lopressor 25 one-sided, a want of sensation, exactly limited by the median line on the side of the wound, in the skin, as well as the exter- nal mucous membranes, conjunctiva, mouth, throat, and nose. Generally the sense of touch and sensibility to pain were simultaneously depressed, the latter often to a high degree. A depression of the Buy Lopressor Online muscular sensibility was not demonstrable in these cases ; motive paresis was rarely present ; on the other purchase lopressor hand, the faradaic and galvanic contractility was often lessened. The reflex excitability was depressed, corresponding to anaesthesia. The majority of the w^ounded had no con- sciousness of objectively demonstrable anaesthesia (aside from an almost constant feeling of numbness around the scar) ; but one individual experienced,'at the moment of the wounding (bayonet-stab through both thighs and penis), a feeling of numbness in the face, lopressor 50 mg and the w^liole right side of the body, which to a less degree still continued at the time of the report. MISCELLANEOUS Lopressor Online AIN'D SCIENTIFIC NOTES. 433 Resolutions on the Death of Dr. Bulkley. — At a meetino- of the Medical^ Board of the Kurseiy and Child's Hospital, it was Resolved^ That, ia the death of Dr. Henry D. Bulkley, the Medical Board of the l^ursery and Child's Hospital have to deplore the death of one of the earliest officers of the institution — a member of lopressor 12.5 its consulting staff since its organization. Resolved, That the close of his long life of usefulness is covered with honor, and that his memory will lopressor price be cherished by his former colleagues of this Board, in common, with all who were associated with him, knowing the inestimable worth of his private life, and the eminent skill and spotless integrity of his professional career. Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be sent to the family of tlie deceased, to whom we tender our warmest sympathy, and that they be published in the medical journals of this city. T. M. Maekoe, K D., } ^ J.J.Hull, M. D., \ Committee. Simultaneous Occurrence of Two Acute Exanthemata. — Hersch- man reports five cases of variola scarlatina ; in all five cases the scarlatina appeared after variola; in fact, on the seventh, twelfth, thirteenth, fifteenth, and sixteenth days. All five cases occurred in the space between the 10th and 15th lopressor 25mg of ISTovember, in the small-pox ward of the St. Joseph's Child's Hospital. In all the cases Order Lopressor both the eruptions were well marked and accompa- nied by equally characteristic concomitant symptoms. The out- break lopressor hct of the scarlatina was in each case preceded by a marked raising of the temperature. Anchenthaler reports a lopressor 25 mg case of simultaneous morbilli and variola in the same individmil. The author rests the diagnosis of the morbilli (as that of the variola admitted of no doubt whatever) upon the characteris- tic prodromal phenomena of measles, upon the appearance of Cheap Lopressor the patient, the nature of the eruption, the spread and subsi- dence of the exanthem by desquamation, upon the extent of the curves of temperature, which attained a maximum Lopressor 100 Mg point at the florition stage of the first eruption, and a second during the development of the variola. — Jahrh.f. Kmderhr. The Western Lancet. — This is the title of a new monthly journal of medicine and surgery, edited by Drs. Eustace Lopressor Xl lopressor 50mg Tre- nor and H. P. Babcock, and published by A. L. Bancroft & 88 434 MISCELLAKEOirS AND SCIENTIFIC NOTES. Co., in San Francisco. From the contents lopressor 12.5 mg and general ap- pearance of the first numbers it is evident that tbe new candi- date for favor is to be made worthy of success ; and there is always room for good journals. Each issue will be accom- panied by at least one photograph from a surgical case or pathological specimen. A more original name might have Lopressor Mg

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