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examined by Prof. Schenthaler, Lioresal Online presented the following : The tissue was similar to the ordinary mucous membrane of the large intestines, but was richer in extremely delicate-walled blood-vessels and cells, of which Purchase Lioresal Online it Avas not quite clear whether 422 MISCELLANEOUS AND SCIENTIFIC NOTES. tliej all lay in the meshes of a reticulum or wliether thej themselves entered into the structure of the latter, as it has already been plainly shown that in hypertrophic and inflam- matory mucous Buy Baclofen Online membrane the reticulum which has returned to the embryonic condition is formed of anastomosing cells. Embedded in the tissue of the polypi were gland-follicles with long cylindrical epithelium (Lieberkiihn's crypts), and these were either simple or bifurcated. Many of the cylindrical cells were goblet-shaped, chiefly, perhaps, on account of the hardening by the chromic acid, while others may have pre- sented themselves Buy Baclofen in the living state. The reticulum was thickened around the crypts, and the blood-vessels throughout very thin-walled, so that some appeared as mere sinus-like passages in the parenchyma. The symptoms produced by the presence of a polypus of the rectum are — irregular de- jections, constipation alternating with diarrhoea, and passages from the bowels consisting of mere bloody slime. The faeces, which generally produce some pain in passing, are here and there smeared with bloody slime or streaks of blood; but rarely is the Buy Lioresal polypus so consistent as to make a furrow in the faeces, and very rarely Cheap Lioresal is the blood accompanying the pas- sages of Lioresal Mg any considerable amount. At each passage of some- what compact faeces the polypus is pressed into the anal opening, and it is at this moment that the diagnosis is most surely to be made out, while the investigation Buy Cheap Baclofen with the Buy Lioresal Online finger or with the rectal mirror does not always suffice ; it is hence often necessary, in the diagnosis of polypi in larger children, to encourage straining, in younger ones to produce the efi*ect Lioresal Price by clysters. Polypus of the rectum will not be mistaken for prolapsus of the rectum, or for dysentery, with ordinary care. Ilaemorrhoidal tumors do not occur in childhood. The seat of the polypi is on the posterior wall of the rectum, between the external and internal sphincters, rarely higher up ; the author has never met with several polypi in one in- dividual. The prognosis is always favorable ; the treatment which Purchase Lioresal the author can recommend as the simplest and most j'eliable Lioresal 25mg is the ligature, with or without a separation of the pedicle from the Lioresal 10 Mg tumor. All after-treatment is superfluous ; the author has never met with much bleeding, or ill results after MISCELLANEOUS AXD SCLENTLFIC NOTES. 423 the operation. Where proper assistants are wanting at the operation, the author recommends a sort of serres-fines-like rectal polypus clamp of his own invention, which fixes the polypus without disrupting it, and permits the ligature to be placed very conveniently. The Peristaltic Movements of the Intestinal Canal. \_Maa71d- hlad V. d. Genootsch. t. her. v. Nat. Oeiiees. en Heelh. t. Am- sterdam, 1871, ISTo. 6 et 8.] — In order to observe the intestines, bladder, uterus, etc., under the most favorable circumstances, Dr. Sanders, after ligating the oesophagus and anus, and inserting a canula with a Order Lioresal Online long tube in the trachea, places the animal in a solution of common salt (six per cent.) at a tem- perature of 38° C, and opens the abdomen under the surface of the fluid. This latter is retained at the same temperature. In this manner the intestines remain for a long time in Generic Lioresal a nor- mal state. On opening the cavity, the intestines were always at rest. Movements soon set in, with contractions of the longi- tudinal as well as of the circular fibres. The former remained principally local, but increased and diminished at times. The convolutions of the intestines then took on a sort of wave-like motion ; the latter more often passed onward, and this always in a direction from above downward, toward the rectal end. Mechanical irritation acted feebly only, and at times the intes- Buy Cheap Lioresal tine could be strongly compressed without any movement resulting. Sanguineous congestion varied from Lioresal Intrathecal time to time without demonstrable cause, and Order Lioresal frequently remained for a long period. If the animal was obstructed by dyspnoea the vessels became strongly contracted, and then again distended, when the breathing became normal again. The congestion of the vessels has no marked influence on the intestinal move- ments, and even compression of the aorta does not cause movement in the intestine when at rest, and will even weak- en the movements when present. The uterus acts much like the intestines. The active movements of the intestines which occur during sufibcation, are entirely absent when both vagi are previously divided in the neck. Irritation of the peripheric ends of the vagi causes their return. The move- ments occur principally at two points, at the lower end of 424 JLISCELLANEOUS AND SCIENTIFIC NOTES. the duodenum, and the upper end of the ileum. Irritation of the right vagus causes, for a time only, the movement of the duodenum, and irritation of the left vagus that of the ileum. The stomach at times remains quiet ; generally, how- ever, from time to time it projects its contents toward the duodenum. In one case of diarrhoea Dr. Sanders observed an anti-peristaltic movement in the colon ; at all other points it was peristaltic. The urinary bladder at times Lioresal Tablets showed move- ments, ev^en when empty. These were always peristaltic. Dr. Sanders in no case observed anti-peristaltic movements in it ; peristaltic and anti-peristaltic movements occur in the Fallo- pian tubes. Chloral in the Cure of Venereal Ulcers. {Gazetta Medica Ital. Lomh.^ No. 31, 1871). — Soon after the announcement of

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