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side. The abdomen gradually increased in size until about the end of June, when it seemed to be very much distended. Her general health was bad ; Is Levothroid Generic sickness and fainting, with bilious diarrhoea, in which there was no solid matter, frequently occurred. Not being clear as to the exact condition of the uterus, whether there was a foetus or not within, I dilated the os with Levothroid 100 Mg a sponge-tent, the string of which broke, and gave some trouble in its MISCELLANEOUS A2\^D SCIENTIFIC NOTES. 415 removal. However, it was clear that the uterus veas empty. As her symp- toms indicated peritouitic irritation, and she was becoming worse, I asked Dr. Hicks to see the case, and he was of opinion that it was one of extra- uterine foetation. On Sunday, July 9th, I saw her about 11a. m., and she appeared to be more comfortable than usual. About 3 p. m. on the same day Levothyroxine Vs Levothroid I was sent for, and found her retching a good deal, and Order Levothroid Online bringing away a greenish fluid. She complained to me of having felt an acute pain, as if something had burst. Several minor pains followed. About 7 p. m. I again saw her. She was unable to retain any thing upon her stomach, and I could see she was fast sinking. Death took place at 1 a. m. I was exceedingly anxious to have a post-mortem examination, which unfortunately could not be per- formed until three days after death. At this I was assisted by my friend Dr. Hawkes. On opening the Order Levothroid abdomen, the child (a boy) immediately came into view. It was lying obliquely from right to left ; its head was pressed forward on the chest ; the occiput was turned toward the liver ; the hands were folded under the chin ; the back was turned forward, and the legs were drawn upward. The thighs of the child pressed the womb very much downward and backward toward the rectum, in the shape of a shield ; the bladder was Levothroid 88 Mcg small, and pushed a good deal forward ; the intes- tines were chiefly Levoxyl Vs Levothroid lying high on the left side, and quite agglutinated, a cyst having formed around the foetus. The liver was adherent to the abdominal muscles, and large flakes of hair were found closely attached to its under surface. The left ovary was entire, but very large. There was no trace of the right, although the Fallopian tube on that side was much dilated, readily admitting two fingers. This led me to believe it was a right tubo- ovarian pregnancy, the ovary and end of Fallopian tube being the original envelope. Decomposition Levothroid 125 Mcg was so much advanced that, on removing the child, the attachment of the placenta could not be found. The chUd was large, and appeared to be about seven months. It was very perfect in every particular, except the legs and feet, Levothroid Vs Levothyroxine which were short and rickety. On examining the womb it was found to be rather large, and very adhe- rent to the surrounding parts. After minutely inspecting it, we could find no opening into it except through the right Fallopian tube. The peculiar feature of this case is, the length of time that elapsed be- Levothroid 100 Mcg tween the death Levothroid Generic of the child and that of Levothroid 25 Mcg the mother, coupled with tlie intra-uterine ovum. Changes in Bellevne Hospital Medical College. — The follow- ing important changes have taken place in the Faculty of this College : Prof. B. W. McCready having resigned, Prof. "W. A. Hammond will assume the chair of Materia Medica and Therapeutics, and Clinical Medicine, in addi- tion to that of Diseases of the Mind and Kervous System. On the latter branches he will continue his lectures Synthroid Vs Levothroid and clinics as heretofore. In consequence of the resignation of Prof. Stephen Smith, Dr. A. B. Crosby has been ap- 416 MISCELLANEOUS AND SCIENTIFIC NOTES. pointed Professor of Descriptive and Surgical Anatomy. Dr. E. G. Janeway lias been made Professor of Pathological Anatomy, and will lecture on that subject in the regular session, while, as Professor of Practical Anatomy, he will act as Demonstrator in place of Dr. Mosely. Prof. Mott relinquishes Surgical Anatomy to the chair of Anatomy, but will hold his Surgical CHnic at Generic Levothroid the College on Wednes- days throughout the year. A new out-door medical clinic has been established under charge of Prof. Flint; and a new clinic for Diseases of Children, under charge of Prof. Lusk. Dr. E. L. Keyes has been appointed Professor of Dermatology. The following gentlemen will lecture on special subjects durino; the Levothroid 75 Mg summer session : Prof. W. A. Hammond, Public Hygiene Levothroid 0.1 Mg ; Dr. Leroy M. Yale, Surgical Dressings ; Dr. J. D. Bryant, Surgical Anatomy; Dr. E. A. Castle, Diseases of Infancy ; Dr. T. M. B. Cross, Medical Application of Elec- tricity'. Surgery of the Kidneys. — Dr. Gustav Simon, Professor of Levothroid Vs Synthroid Surgery in Heidelberg, has just piiblished the first part of a work entitled " Chirurgie dev Nieren^ This Levothroid Synthroid part is devoted to a detailed account of a case in which the author performed the " first successful operation for nephrotomy upon the human subject," together with the history of his experiments and de- ductions from them. His patient, forty-six years of age, had undergone, eighteen months previously, an operation for ovariotomy^ both ovaries and the corpus uteri being removed. In the operation the left ureter was severed, and, after recovery, the urine escaped through a fistulous opening in the abdominal wall when the patient assumed the upright position, but when lying down it flowed away through the canal of the cervix and vagina. There was direct communication with the vagina through the abdominal opening. The life of the patient was rendered al- most unendurable by the constant discharge of urine, and the discomforts incident thereto. Simon first proposed to heal the abdominal fistula, Purchase Levothroid Online thus causing the urine to pass through the canal of the cervix, then

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