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outside the cranium — Griseofulvin Buy by injuries, by local Buy Grifulvin V diseases, either in the nerves themselves or in the parts adjacent to them, by cold, by long-continued pressure, or by the introduction of poisonous substances into the system. There are, Order Griseofulvin however, Grifulvin V 500 some notable exceptions to this want of association with the mental condition. Paralysis of any of the cranial nerves ordinarily indicates some lesion within the cranium, and in not a few instances is the precursor of grave mental disorder. This is especially true of the nerves regulating the movements of the eye and mouth. A drooping Generic Griseofulvin of one or both eyelids, strabismus, trembling or twitching of the muscles of the mouth, and, in general, any disturbance of that nervous power which governs what is called the expression, is apt to be associated early with mental disease. Paralysis of the special senses, too, being often though not necessarily indicative of cerebral lesion, is frequently accompanied or followed by psychical dis- turbance or Buy Griseofulvin Online defect. Progressive Locomotor Ataxy. — This disease, now Order Griseofulvin Online well known to the profession through the investigations and admirable treatises of Trousseau, Duchesne, and others, has been usually thought to be unattended with morbid mental phenomena. That it may be so in the outset is exceedingly probable, but, when long continued and confirmed, we should be inclined to expect from its general pathological character that the brain would not always escape, and tliat mental distm-bance would more or less frequently accompany it. That Griseofulvin Online paralysis of the third and sixth cranial nerves is often an car y symptom, would seem to confirm this anticipation. Indeed, a careful scrutiny of the long list of cases presented Purchase Griseofulvin by Trousseau, as being free from any intellectual aberration, will gi^e rise to a doubt in the minds of practical psychologists whether this freedom so cer- MOTOR AXD PSYCHICAL SYJIPTOMS. 387 tainlj exists. And more recent observations Buy Cheap Griseofulvin would seem to show that, in not a few cases, especially when well advanced the mind suffers to some extent. Simple dementia or a uni- form impairment of the mental faculties, together with tlie loss of control over the emotional nature, is the form which should be looked for in this disease. Epilepsy. — We come now to the consideration of a class of diseases of an opposite character, marked by excessive instead of deficient motility ; and, of these, Buy Grifulvin Online by far the most frequent and im- portant is epilepsy. How far epilepsy should be considered as a valid relief from responsibility has been the subject of much debate and controversy ; and at various times different rules have been laid down by those regarded as able to speak with authority. The great psychical disturbance often immedi- ately following and sometimes preceding an actual convulsion, and the entire prostration of mental life and power during its continuance, together with the apparent soundness during most of the intervals, have led some to tlie belief and asser- tion that, Grifulvin V for a certain length Purchase Griseofulvin Online of time before and after the attack, and only during that time, a patient should be re- garded as unsound and irresponsible. Such a general rule cannot for a moment be accej)ted by any who have had large opportunities for observing the disease. ISTor can any rule be laid down for universal application. "While it is undoubtedly true that, in a considerable portion of the cases, no very marked psychical derangement may be noticed, except at times near the occurrence of the attacks, and in some not even then ; yet a very large part of all epileptics have more or less permanent mental impairment, and not a few are subject to Where To Buy Griseofulvin periods of maniacal excitement occurring irregularly in the intervals. Daring the initial period of the disease no deteri- oration in the intervals may be discoverable ; but it is exceed- ingly doubtful whether, in a confirmed and long-continued case, the mind ever wholly escapes damage. This has been attributed to the effects of the convulsions themselves and the repetition of the attendant cerebral congestion, and ac- cordingly we find epilepsy figm-ing largely among the as- signed causes of insanity in the reports of all lunatic asylums. There is some reason, however, to believe that the mental 388 PEACTICAL EELATIONS OF MOEBID disorder should more correctly be attributed to a gradual ad- vance in the same pathological condition which has caused the convulsions. The fact of their concurrent hereditary trans- Buy Griseofulvin mission, both being often found separately in the same family, would favor the latter theory. The substitution of one for the other has also been shown of late to be a not very unusual occurrence. Since the introduction of bromide of potassi- um, the control of the epileptic attacks by this remedy has in more than one reported case been attended by the de- Buy Grifulvin velopment of morbid psychical symptoms before unseen in the case. The form of disease following in the train of epi- lepsy has some peculiarities. Its main features are those of dementia, of a gradually progressive mental imbecility. It is less uniform than ordinary dementia, however, in its effects upon the mental faculties. The memory, for instance, is some- times retained in full force, and occasionally seems to be surprisingly developed, wliile other faculties are undergoing irretrievable injury. The will, too, not only is often retained in full vigor, but acquires sometimes an increase of intensity and doggedness far beyond what is ever seen in the sane. The affective nature is very often decidedly changed. Exces- sive morbid irritability is a very common symptom, and like- wise the usual loss of control over the passions, which is expected when reason becomes weakened. Very great reli- gious zeal and devotion to religious topics is a marked and not uncommon symptom. Intense scrupulousness and the most minute and rigid conscientiousness and adherence Grifulvin V Micr to some rule of life laid down by the patient is occasionally a very striking feature of the chano-e from the normal orio-inal char- acter. Few cases, in which mental impairment has ensued to

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