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ported. It is proper to say that Prof. Nagel gives a caution against the exces- sive use of the remedy, as liable to defeat the object of treatment get doxycycline by irritat- ing too severely the nerve-tissue, even though there may be no evident symptoms of poisoning. 33. — TTie Mode ly tchicTi Inflammation of the Eye is propagated doxycycline cheap in Men- ingitis. By Dr. Bertqold. [Archiv. f. Ophth., xvii., 1, 178.] A child of ten years died of acute meningitis, and, eight days before death, acute inflammation occurred in one eye, with conjunctival chemosis. This symptom soon subsided, but the deep doxycycline 100 tissues of the globe were in- fdtrated with pus, giving the appearance of purulent choroiditis. The other eye seemed to be well, but could not be ophthalmoscopically ex- amined. At the section, both eyes were found inflamed : in the one, the disease being a neuro-retinitis, with swelling of the head of the nerve ; in the other, the choroid, retina, and vitreous were disorganized. There was purulent meningitis. The communication from the brain-membrane to the eye was, doubtless, by way of the canalis opticus from the ai;achnoid cavity, along the supra-vaginal lymph-space (Schwalbe), and the communi- cating space beneath Tenori's capsule, to the subconjunctival space — hence, in one eye the chemosis. Further, in the same way the sub-vaginal lymph- space gives passage to exudation to the head of the optic nerve and supra- choroidal lymph-space. These, rather than the nerve proper, are the probable channels by which meningeal inflammation reaches the eye. The same conclusions have been set forth by others, but where can i get doxycycline the fact is, probably, not so widely recognised among general pathologists as it deserves. 34. — A Contritution to the History of the Development of Myopia, lased upon Examination of 4,358 School- Children. By Dr. Friedrich EEiSMAN'if, of St. Petersburg. [Archiv. fiii- Oph., doxycycline mg xvii., 1, 1-79.] By this patient inquiry some valuable facts are elicited, and too much praise can hardly be awarded to such workers as Dr. Erismann and Dr. Cohn, for their industry. The chief results obtained by how to buy doxycycline the examination are as follows: Of the whole number, viz., 4,358, he found emmetropcs, 26 per cent. Myopes, 30.2 per cent. Hypermetropes, 43.3 per cent. Amblyopes, 0.5 per cent. The youngest children were ten years old. The unexpected fact above shown is the small number of normal eyes, only \, and the high percent- age buy doxycycline of hypermetropes. In where can i buy doxycycline the youngest doxycycline purchase online classes | were hypermetropic. It would appear that, for early life, hypermetropia, and not emrae- tropia, is the normal condition. But, as the child grows older, the eyeball becomes elongated until myopia may be developed — as happens at 11 years of age in 20.6 per cent, at 13 " 28.6 " " at 15 " 39.3 " " _ at 19 " 47.2 " Acuity of sight, among all the children, was: 1 in 85.6 per cent. Between f and how to get doxycycline 1 in 6.8 " Less than | in 7.6 " 324 KTIPORTS ON THE PROGRESS OF MEDICINE. * Among the myopic?, who wore 1,317, tljo vision wj'.s : 1 in 77.7 per cent. Between f and 1 in 12.5 " Less than f in 9.8 " Choroidnl atropiiy around the nerve was absc-ut in •'S per cent. Of moderate extent .... in 71.2 " Of large extent in 23.8 " This table, and the one above, explain each other, and they together show how tl:e acuity of vision suffers loss by the development doxycycline online of myopia. For among these v. = 1 is less by 8 per cent, than among the doxycycline order whole num- ber taken together, including the myopes. The most serious cases of choroidal atrophy were naturally found among the higher grades of myopia, Insufficience of the recti interni was studied in all the myopes. For the weaker degrees, purchase doxycycline the distance taken was 8 to 10 inches; for doxycycline to buy the higher grades, the distance was shorter, as they would choose for easy reading. This lesion is not considered, properly, the cause of myopia, but both it and myopia are regarded as resulting from the same cause. Out of 1,24.5 moypes, were 6 cases of how can i get doxycycline strasbismus convcrgens. Taking the remainder, there was found no insufficiency in 67.4 per cent. Up to 6° " " in 12.9 " " 10° " " in 13.3 " Above 10° " " in 2.6 " Relative strabismus divergens in 2.9 " Absolute " " in .9 ". That is, 32.6 per cent, of all myopes suffer from disturbance of the recti interni. Where myopia is more than ^, doxycycline 100mg only 23.1 per cent, retain normal muscular power. But, even with the lowest grades ot myopia, 23.8 per cent, have muscular troubles. It also appears that choroidal doxycycline where to buy atrophy where to get doxycycline does not depend on muscular insufficiency. Concerning hereditary tendency to 100 mg doxycycline myopia, it appears that 30.6 per

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