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While all deliberate statements of Dr. Knapp are to be received with the greatest respect, there may be danger of falling into a treacherous security as regards the influence of ossified eyeballs for mischief. His careful discriminations will certainly call attention to what are and what are not dangerous cases ; but all surgeons know that one of the most fruitful sources of sympathetic irritation of a healthy eye is ossification or calcification in the other; and while the middle term undoubtedly is irido- cyelitis, the pei-il is so urgent that a needless operation may well be performed rather than risk a patient's only eye when an atrophied and ossified bulb may Cabergoline 0.5 Mg be setting up trouble, which at its beginning is not very well defined. 31. — Iridectomia without Division of the Sphincter Pupilloi. By B. A. Pope, M. D., of New Orleans. [Archives for Oph. and Otol., ii., 1, 87.] The operation suggested is designed for cases where only a peripheral pupil is available, and to be most useful must be small. When there are central corneal opacity, without or with iritic adhesions; prolapsus iridis, especially with partial staphyloma cornetB ; diffused corneal opacity, most dense at the centre; in case an eccentric pupil is needful, and the sphincter is hard to dilate or adherent — in all these cases the operation is com- mended as meeting important optical indications. The author has operated six times, and says the Dostinex Online existence of a double pupil is not annoying, and, if the new Dostinex Mg one is below, a habit of drooping the upper lid is soon acquired, and covers the upper pupil. The mode of operating is by a yav^ small 21 322 REPORTS OH THE PROGRESS OF MEDICIJSTE. wound, and witli small forceps seizing with their point the iris near its periphery, and, dragging out only a little of it, cutting it closely with finely- pointed scissors. A very small Order Dostinex Online opening can thus be secured, which can- not be done if the pupillary edge is severed. It seems likely that this suggestion may in some cases be worth remembering. 82. — -TTie Treatment of Amaurosis and Amblyopia l>y Strychnia. By Dr. Albeecut Cabergoline Tablets Nagel. fTiibingcn, 1871, pp. 141.] Our attention is called, in this pamphlet to the hypodermic u?e of strychnia. The method has been already known for a sufficiently long time to permit of comparative trials by other observers, and their results in the main Cheap Dostinex agree with the statements of Prof. Nagel. It is understood that a large class of cases of amaurosis and amblyopia remain incurable, viz., such as depend on extreme textural change; but for a considerable contingent, which, by other methods are scarcely at all Buy Dostinex Online relieved, the hypodermic use of strychnia has been greatly efficacious. Our present methods of diagnosis do not show us the minute structure of the optic nerve and retina, and Generic Dostinex we are therefore unable to tell, in a case of atropliy, just how far the fibres or ultimate elements are impaired ; hence, the trial of Buy Dostinex any remedy must be attended in all cases with a degree of uncertainty. But what the method of Prof. Nagel has done is a positive gain. It is as follows : He injects into the temple a moderate dose of nitrate of strych- nia, say Order Dostinex from ^\ to ^^ grain every day for a week. He expects the effect on vision to be produced within Cabergoline Buy an hour. This may be either in extension of the limits of a contracted field, or in Buy Cabergoline the increase of direct vision. If this result is not obtained within a few days, the dose is increased, but not above yV of a grain. If no good elFect, the case is regarded as Dostinex Cost unsuited for this treatment. The diseases for which this treatment has been greatly useful have been, a boy with imperfect amaurosis of one eye, with concen- tric limitation of the field, and no ophthalmoscopic appearances; after one injection of ^'^j- grain nitrate strychnia, vision rose in half an hour from is 15 —— to =:r and the field was a little enlarged. The improvement was IjA-A. a. V maintained Buy Cheap Dostinex for two days, when another injection of ^^ grain added a little more Dostinex Price to the area of the field, and improvement afterward went on spon- taneously to perfect cure. Another case of amaurosis, following measles, complicated with head- symptoms, was treated with perfect success. The interior of the eyes ex- Idbited no lesions. Slow improvement of sight was taking place under general tonics and hygiene ; but, to hasten the progress, strychnia Avas tried. The first injection, of jV grain had no effect ; Purchase Dostinex a second, of jV grain, brought vision from less than -- to .^. In a month after, four injections, v. = -— Another case, a child of three years, in whom the state of the Dostinex Tablets optic nerve was almost perfectly normal, although blindness was complete, proved obdurate to strychnia. No treatment did any good. Other classes of cases successfully handled were asthenopia of the accommodative kind, amblyopia from disuse, traumatic amaurosis, etc. A case of embolus of the central artery of the retina is contributed by Prof Becker, in which the striking gradations of improvement in the field are shown \>y diagrams. The case looks Purchase Dostinex Online more like one of neuritis, with consecutive thrombosis, than pure embolus. At the beginning, t!ie arteries were extremely small, and the nerve a little large, the region of the macula 20 infiltrated. At the close of a month vision was ^^1 ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^'^^ ^^'^^ limited upward and outward. The infiltration about the macula had dis- OPHTHALMOLOGT. 323 appeared, but tlie nerve showed appearances of atrophy. Sucli are some ot the important cases discussed in this pamphlet, and the treatment is well worth imitating. Cabergoline 0.5 The use of strychnia by the stomacli, and sprinkled on u blistered surface, does not have the same eftect as when injected. This fact, moreover, has been substantiated in treating other diseases of the nervous system, so that the recommendations of Prof. Nagel are well sup-

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