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scope and anomalous visual disturbances. a. Retinitis pigmentosa, with predominant abatement of central vision. This is due to lesion of the centre of the retina, and is often accom[)anied by nystagmus. Under this head are described four cases, in each of which some symptoms were present, such as hemeralopia, posterior polar cataract, atrophied nerve, small vessels, pigment in the retina, and in all there was marked central amblyopia. b. Eetinitis pigmentosa, with typical ophthalmoscopic appearances and good central vision, but with anomalies in other characteristics of sight; that is, irregular forms of the visual field, such as fields limited more on one side than another, or with the ring-shaped scotomata. Under this head come the cases where hemeralopia is wanting; and in one case Haase found nyctalopia. 4. Retinitis pigmentosa, anomalous ophthalmoscopic appearances, and Dilantin 600 Mg with anomalous visual disturbances. a. Congenital amblyopia, or amaurosis from retinitis pigmentosa. In many of the cases reported, the sight was very bad at an early age, but no pigment could be found in the retina until several years had elapsed. Out of fourteen cases of this class, four were complicated with deafness. In eleven cases, about which note was made on this point three times, the parents were blood-relations. b. Retinitis pigmentosa, not congenital, with central amblyopia, and no retinal pigment. c. Ohorio-retinitis pigmentosa, with anomalous symptoms. The heredi- tary character of the cases quoted is the reason for putting it under this head. 5. Retinitis pigmentosa, with unusual course or unequal participaticm of Dilantin 250 Mg both eyes, etc. Dilantin 1 G Sometimes the disease progresses rapidly, sometimes with extreme slowness; or, especially with central amblyopia, it may be- come stationary. Of all the cases, typical and anomalous, out of thirty-seven, parental consanguinity was found nine Cheap Dilantin times; only twice was it hereditary; in eight families, thei-o was more than one child aftected. The influence of syphilis in etiology could not be well made out. In only two cases wero mercurials of any service. In all other cases Dilantin 350 Mg no treatment did any good. 25. — The Pigment Layer of the Retina. By Dr. Franz ^[or.\no, of Naples, with a plate. [Schultze Archiv fiir Mikroskop. Anat., viii., 1, 81.] The author, Dilantin Xr under direction of Prof. Boll, in the laboratory of Berlin, has studied the so-called Dilantin 400 Mg choroidal epithelium, and gives the following de- OPHTHALMOLOGY. 319 scription : That tlie cells arc not flat, but are cylinders of small Too Much Dilantin licif^ht, consistinjj^ of two parts, viz. : an outer, toward the choroid, ■wliich is colorless, and made of pale granular protoplasm, and an inner part, ■which is pigmented. These are to each other as 1 to 3. The nucleus lies in the colorless part, and has one large nucleolus. Oil-drops of an orange hue also belong to the outer part. The pigmented part of the cell seems to be striated longitudinally. In good i)reparations this part is seen to terminate in long fine hairs running into tlie retina. The Dilantin 30 Mg pigment- granules are never round, but needle-shaped, and lie in rowo parallel to the fibres. The very tip of the fibres is often colorless. There may be thirty or forty hairs terminating one cell. In other cases the inner extremity of Dilantin Pharmacology the cell has a pointed form, Dilantin 50 Mg or a membranous expansion. The hairs thus described penetrate between the rods of tlie retina as far as to tiie end of their inner member, that is, to the membrana limitans externa. From three to five rods abut against one c|iithelial cell at the periphery of the retina, but at its Dilantin Ex centre the cells are smaller, and to Dilantin 150 Mg each only a single rod will correspond. The above observations were made on frogs and other am- phibia. 26. — The Ah use of Alcohol and Tohacco as a Cause of Amhlyopia. By Dr. L. UiRsciii-ER, of Pesth. [Archiv. fur Oph., xvii., 1, 221.] The author appears to have had large experience among the intem- perate, and gives the following resvme of symptoms oi amblyopia apotu: Objects a|)pear as if under a veil, and this dimness comes on suddenly. They are apt to swim and tremble; persons' faces seem to the patient to be bluish or yellow; glistening, metallic surfaces are badly discriminated; only large print (Jaeger 14-20) can be read; at first it seems clearer than it does after looking a short time ; objects soon grow hazy and utterly con- fused. Vision is worst at mid Dilantin 130 Mg day, and best at twilight Dilantin 230 Mg aiul by artificial To external inspection there is nothing abnormal, except perhaps slight conjunctival catarrh. The pupil is contractile, and is quite indisjKJsed to expand. Visual field is intact. Central scotoma is rare. By the ophthal- moscope the nerve may bo normal, or slightly reddened, or of a dirty gray; at the later stages it may be Avhite, and indicate beginning atro[)iiy. The am- blyopia soon readies its maximum, and remains forahmg time unchanged. Amblyoj)ia from toi)acco differs little in symptoms from the above. The proneness of the pupil to contract is sometimes remarkal^le. Amblyopia from other causes, as menstrual troubles or rheumatic pro- cesses, etc., etc., may present precisely similar symptoms. The pathology of the disease the autlx^r is disposed to locate in the brain-tissue. For treatment, the author relies on entire abstinence from the use of alcohol and tobacco, and a general hygienic method. Local depletion does little ■good. Attention to digestion, exercise, and fresh air, are most essential. 27. — The Hnlo around the Macula Lutca. By Dr. E. G. Loi:ino. of New York. [Transactions American Ophthal. Society, 1871, p. 73. J Following upon his interesting itHjuiries published in the Transactions a year ago, as Dilantin 125 to the cause of the light streak seen along the axis of the reti- nal vessels. Dr. Loring now ofters some suggestions as to the cause of tho halo at the macula lutea, which is sometimes, but by no means always, seen. He thinks, and very |)lausibly, Dilantin 330 Mg tiiat this is merely another case of re- flection from surfaces wiiich are not on the same level; because at the macula the retina begins to grow thin imtil it becomes a decidedly de- pressed surface at the fovea centralis. This change takes place gradually, giving Dilantin 500 Mg a curved form, and from this curvature arises a halo or Dilantin 200 Mg reflex. Thia

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