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Report of tlie Foundling Asylum of the Sisters of Charity, in the City of New York, from October 11, 1869, to October 1, 1871. OPHTHALMOLOGY. 307 Braitiiwaite's Ketrospect of Practical Medicine and Surgery. Part LXIV., January. New York: W. A. cytotec 400 mg Townsend, 1871. On the Method of Creation of Organic Types. By Edward D. Cope, A. M. Philadelphia: McOaUa & Stavely, 1872, pp. 35. The Journal of the Gynajcologieal Society of Boston, vol. v. July to December, 1871. Boston: James Campbell, 1872. Small-pox : The Predisposing Conditions, and their Prevention. By Dr. Carl Both. Boston : Alexander cytotec 200 mcg Moore, 1872. Forty-Sixth Annual Report of the President of Harvard College, 1870 '71. Cambridge, 1872, pp. 87. Transactions of the Iowa State Medical Society. Davenport : Griggs, "Watson & Day, 1871, pp. 272. The Influence of Speculative Beliefs in Medicine. By Z. 0. McEh*oy, M. D., pp. 13. Fourth Annual Report of the Xew York Orthopaedic Dispensary. New York, 1872. ^..jJorts 0it tlje ^r00iTss of g^^bkhu. OPHTHALMOLOGY FOR 1871. By Henky D. Noyes, M. cytotec cheap D., I^ew York. 1. — The Support of the Byes during Expiratory Blood-pressure. By Prof. F. C. DoxDERS. [Archiv. f. Oph., xvii., 1, 80.] On the occasion of a recent visit to England, Prof. Donders had his at- tention called by Darwin to a theory propounded by Sir Charles Bell that the closure of the eyelids serves to protect the globes against injurious press- ure (during the act of coughing or sneezing) of the sudden rush of blood, caused by these expiratory acts. After some investigations Prof. Don- ders was'convinced that in these acts the arterial pressure is increased, but quickly abates. Further, during expiration, the jugular vein cytotec price becomes dis- tended, and is emptied during inspiration ; and its distention is not due to regurgitation of blood from the chest. On examining the vessels in the fundus oculi, it was where to buy cytotec found that, during forctd expiration, the veins become larger, and light pressure on the globe with the finger makes the veins smaller. When the superficial ocular cytotec 200mcg vessels are examined with the micro- scope, tlie artei'ies are little changed, order cytotec online while the veins increase in size during violent expiration. It may justly be inferred tliat the lids under these circumstances give support to the circulation of the eye. The internnl ocular circulation finds online cytotec its greatest support in the normally tense condition of the globe and in the elasticity of its coats. Other eifects of forced expiration are distention of the orbital veins, cytotec cost and consequent protrusion of the ball. The degree of prominence of the 308 KEP0RT3 O:^ THE PKOGRES3 OF MEDICINE. eye varies with the width to -which the lids are separated, and in eacdi act of winking the glohe moves to a slight degree hackward or forward. In eiForts of accommodation, the globe slightly advances. 2. — The Eye in Acephalous Monsters. By Prof. W. Manz, Freiberg [Virchow's Archiv., Bd. li., Hft. iii., S. 313-340.] By careful study of eight embryos born without brain, Prof. Manz endeavors to determine the relations of the optic nerve to the brain in it3 development. If the accepted theory, that the opticus is merely an outgrowth from the brain, be tenable, it is greatly interesting to know what becomes of the nerve if the brain is wanting. The result of his inquiry was, that the structure which in these cases represents the nerve contains no nerve- tissue, and is in fact no nerve. In the retina, only the opticus fibres and the ganglion cells are deticient. The rest of the retina and of the eye pre- S3nt no anomalies. \ After making this statement, an elaborate account is given of cytotec buy online the pecu- liarities of the embryonic eye in its various structures. A few items may be selected : The epithelium of the membrane of Descemet passes as a continuous layer from the cornea over the ligamentum pectinatum upon the iris. The stroma of the choroid has no pigment. The superjacent epithelium is Avell cytotec on line developed and tilled with pigment-granules. The i)yaline membrane of the vitreous is distinct from the capsule of the lens and from the mem- brana liniitans of the retina; cell-forms pervade the whole corpus; there are no other vessels than cytotec 200 mg the central cytotec mg artery, saving in one specimen, in which a brancli of a posterior ciliary artery came directly through the mem- branes into the online pharmacy cytotec vitreous. The optic nerve looks normal, and has the usual buy cheap cytotec double sheath; the intervaginal space is clothed with buying cytotec epithelium. As the nerve passes into the sclera, it does not undergo the constriction which cytotec order be- longs to the developed state, but continues of the same diameter as when outside the bulb. The nerve-sheaths pass into the sclera, and the nerve adheres intimately with the choroid, and purchase cytotec nothing but tlie vessels mark the place of its connection with the retina. There is no border to denote the outline of the optic disk. The vessels spread out equally in all di- rections, not as when fully grown, the larger vessels going upward and downward. The arching toward the macula buy cytotec does not exist, and no macu- la lutea appears. All the layers of the retina except optic fibres and gan- glion cells could be identified.

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