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CoxsiDEEiNG the present and Cheap Crestor future importance of the nervous system in practical medicine, nothing could be more welcome to the profession than the cheap and Purchase Crestor excellent edi- tion of Flowei''s admirable work which Dr. Keen has given us. In these diagrams we have presented the principal nerves of the body with their distributions. The distributions to the muscles are lettered in red, while those to the sensitive sur- faces, as well Buy Cheap Crestor as the names of the nerves themselves, are desig- nated by black letters. To one moderately familiar with Order Crestor Online the anatomy of the nervous system, the arrangement is such as to present at a glance those intricacies which are so apt to elude the memory. Dr. Keen's own additions and alterations are, as he himself states, slight; yet, coming from one who is a thorough and practised anatomist, they fairly enhance the value of the original work. Announcemknts.— S, W. Butler, M. D., of Philadelphia, has in preparation a Medical Pegister and Directory of the [Jnited States, by J. M. Toner, M. D. Lindsay & Blakiston announce a new edition of Bloxam's Chemistry ; a third edi- tion of Grant's work on Irritable Bladder ; a second edition of Macnaraara's Manual of Generic Crestor Diseases of the Eye; and a Manual of Microscopic Mounting, by J. H. Martin. Alexander Moore, of Boston, is preparing a work on Consumption, by Carl Both, and one on the Leprosy of the Bible, by tliat indefatigable writer, B. Joy Jeffries, M. D. The Chicago Crestor Online Medical Exaotner is now published on the 1st and 15th of each month, instead of once a month, as for- merly. The National Medical Journal is in trouble. Both the editors have suddenly resigned, in consequence of some dis- agreement with the publishers. 20 Crestor Cost 306 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL AND LITERARY ISTOTES. Books and Pamphlets Received. — Cancerotis and other Intra-thoracic Growths, their Natural History and Diagnosis. 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D., on the Attitude of Physicians and Scientists toward the Tem- perance Cause. By George M. Beard, M. D. Report of the Special Committee on Meteorology and Epidemics, of the Philadelphia County Medical Society, for the year 1870. By Benjamin Lee, M. D., pp. 38. The Detection of Criminal Abortion, and a Study of Foeticidal Drugs. By Ely Van de Warker, M. D., Syracuse, N. Y. Boston : James Camp- bell, 1872, pp. 88. Medico-Legal Considerations upon Alcoholism, and the Moral and Criminal Responsibility of Inebriates. By Paluel De Marmon, M. D., pp. 24. Electricity in the Treatment of Diseases of the Skiu. By George M. Beard, M. D. Reprinted from the American Journal of Syphilography, pp. 13. Crestor Price Proceedings of the Second Meeting of the American Association for the Cure of Inebriates, held in New York, November, 1871, pp. 115. Annual Report of the Board of Governors and Board of Lady Super- visors of the Woman's Hospital of the State of New York, 1872. 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