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The President had seen two cases on the east side of the city, near Dr. Simmons's case, one Buy Cozaar Online of them in the Hebrew Orphan Asylum, at Third Avenue and Seventy-seventh Street. He had also, by invitation of Dr. Rodenstein, been three times to see the cases under his charge at the Catholic Protectory in Westchester. There were some twenty of them Cozaar Mg ; and five or six had ended fatally. The speaker pointed to the presence of stagnant water between Cozaar 25 Mg Second and Third Avenues, in the upper part of the town, as connected with the prevalence of endemic diseases in that Purchase Cozaar neighborhood. CKmiNAL ABORTION. On motion of Dr. S. Pogers, the Society Resolved, That the Medical Society of the County of New York in- PKOCEEDINGS OF SOCIETIES. 303 dorses the amendment to the Price Of Cozaar hnv of 1869, relative to criminal abortion, proposed by the New York Medico-Legal Society. Adjourned. Sjoecial Meeting^ January 29, 1872. De. a. Jacobi, President, in the cliair. OBITUARIES. The meeting was called to liear memorial notices of some deceased members, which had been prepared, under authority of the Comitia Minora, for transmission to the State Society. Dr. Fordyce Barker, to whom had been committed the notice of Dr. George T. Elliot, was unavoidably absent. Dr. Ells- worth Eliot gave an account of the life and labors of Dr. William B. Bibbins ; and Dr. William C. Roberts reviewed the career of Dr. Henry D. Bulkley. The leading points of these memorials have already appeared in our pages. Dr. David C. Carr recounted the professional and other services of Dr. Alexander IST. Gunn, dwelling especially upon the as- sistance he had always been ready to proffer to young men. As chairman of the Committee on Resolutions, Dr. Carr re- ported the following, which were adopted : Whereas^ It has Cost Of Cozaar pleased an All-wise Providence to remove from his earthly labors Dr. Alexander !N". Gunn, a beloved associate, Cozaar Online and Buy Cheap Cozaar Losartan Cozaar an honored member of the Medical Society of tlie County of New York : Resolved, That, in his death, all have lost a valued friend and counsel- lor, and this Society one of its brightest ornaments, distinguished alike for his eminent social qualities, his Christian Cheap Cozaar virtues, and his professional ability. Resolved, That, while we bow in submission to the Divine Will, we de- plore the loss of an active worker in the profession to which he was an honor; of a man who, by his genial, sunshiny nature, won not only the hearts of his patients, but the Online Cozaar confidence and esteem of all who knew him. Resolved, That Cozaar 100mg a Cozaar 50mg Order Cozaar copy of these resolutions be preserved in the archives of the Society, and also that a copy, signed by the President and Secretary, be sent to tlie family of Buy Cozaar the deceased. The meeting adjourned. A special meeting, called for February 3d, " to consider and take suitable action upon the bill, recently introduced into 304 BIBLIOGR/VPHICAL AND LITEEAEY NOTES. the Assembly bj Mr. Cozaar Cost Flammer, entitled An Act to protect the People against Quackery and Crime,'''' was very thinly attended, and adjourned without action. Art. I. — A Clinical Manual of the Diseases of the Ear. By Laurence Turnbtjll, M. D. Philadelphia : J. B. Lip- pincott & Co., 1872, pp. 486. In his preface, the author says, ''he has not simply re- corded the views and opinions of others, but has added the results of his personal experience in seventeen years' private practice and in the treatment of several thousand cases in the Aural Department of Howard Plospital." After reading the above we are rather surprised to find him spealdng, on page 319, " of some fourteen hundred (! !) cases of ear-disease, which I Discount Cozaar have treated in the Howard Hos- pital, and in private practice. . . ." From the freedom with which quotation-marks are used, we might imagine that the book loas " simply a record of the views," etc., but we must admire the honesty which tells of so many quotations and translations which the great majority of readers would not have suspected. Pages 1Y6-188, and 227- 238, seem to have been translated entire from Grubers work. On p. 228, Gruber is represented as preferring excision of the tonsils " by application of caustics Cozaar 100 Mg or astringents. Cozaar Price It is easily performed by Fahnestock's instrument." Among other specimens of loose English, he speaks of a glass jar (also made of tin)," p. 88.

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