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bracing the peritongeum. One-third of a grain of morphine was injected under the skin, as soon as the patient returned to consciousness, and repeated every fourth hour through the nio-ht. June Clonidine Tablet \^th^ morninrj. — slept quietly through the night; suffering a little pain, Cheap Clonidine and has some tenderness of the ab- domen ; pulse 120. June ViiJi. — lias been restless all night ; pulse 130 ; thirsty, bowels distended, painful, and tender. Morphine given freely with iced milk-and-brandy. June ISth. — lias been failins; all night. Died at 11 a. m. Remarhs. Clonidine Dosage — The tumor weighed two and a half Clonidine Buy pounds. By a microscopical examination made by Dr. Mead, it was decided to be an encephaloid degeneration of tlie ovary Is^otwith- 294 PEOCEEDINGS OF SOCIETIES. standing rapid waning of strengtli and the existence of ascites, a class of symptoms that has been considered characteristic of malignant degeneration, the diagnosis, as stated above, was ovarian cyst — because, in the first place, ascites was distinctly traceable in the family, while cancer was not. In the second place, the pain had Buy Clonidine been inconsiderable ; and, thirdly, the pa- tient iiad previously been the subject of an ovarian cyst. ||r0mbinc(s 0f Spaeths. Buy Cheap Clonidine MEDICAL SOCIETY OF THE COUNTY OF NEW YORK. Stated Meeting, January 22, 1872. De. Abkaham Jacobi, President, in the chair. Catapres Clonidine TuE following physicians were reported from the Comitia Minora as recommended for membership, and, by vote of the Society, they were admitted, viz. : Alexander Perry, Charles M. Fairbrother, Nicholas L, Campbell, Julius H. Tyndale, Gustavus Treshatis, Herman Loewenthal, and L. De Forrest Woodruff. The President announced the death of Dr. Henry D. Bulkley Clonidine Patch and of Dr. Alexander N", Gunn. On motion, Drs. D. C. Carr, D. Clonidine Tablets A. Hedges, and S. W. Roof, were appointed a committee to draft appropriate resolutions in the case of Dr. Gunn. Resolutions on Dr. Bulkley's death had been adopted at the Special Meeting which Withdrawal Clonidine we have already recorded. DISEASES OF THE PAST TEAK. The I'eport of the Committee on Diseases was read by its chairman, as follows : The Committee on Diseases has the honor to present the following report upon the mortality and prevailing diseases of the past year : The total mortality of this city for 1871 amounted to 26,976 — a decrease of 199 from the previous year. It was equivalent to a death-rate of 2S.G in each thousand :nhabitants. J PEOCEEDIN'GS OF SOCIETIES. 295 Zymotic diseases destroyed in the aggregate 8,365 lives — being 31 per cent, of tlie total mortality — a slight increase upon 1870. The most prominent epidemic of the year was that of small-pox. This disease had prevailed to an unusual extent in 18T0-, having produced 293 deaths, but it had so subsided in the autumn of that year that in the three months ending December 31, 1870, it occasioned but 12 deaths. In the early part of January, 1871, it broke out afresh with extraordinary vigor, and rapidly increased during the ensuing six months. It caused 208 deaths in the iirst quarter of the year, and 304 in the second quarter. In Clonidine Dose the summer it began slowly to decline, its mortality being 164 for the quarter, and but 23 for the month of September. Up to that time the work of vaccination had been so energetically pursued by the vaccinating corps of the Health Department, that they had vaccinated 100,000 persons in nine months. At the very time, however, when the prospect was most favor- able for entirely arresting the disease, the Board of Health was obliged, on account of Buy Clonidine Online the Clonidine Clonidine failure of its pecuniary resources, to dispense with its extra inspectors for some two months. The result was soon apparent in the extension of the epidemic, as, although only 23 deaths were due to small-pox Clonidine Mg in October, it Clonidine 0.1 occasioned 36 Clonidine Dosing in ISTovember, and 70 in December. On IS^ovember 24th the work of vaccination was resumed, but the disease had acquired too much new force to What Is Clonidine be readily overcome. Its total mortality for the year amounted Clonidine Hydrochloride to 805, its greatest yearly Clonidine Catapres mortality recorded in this city during the present century, the next largest number of deaths, 681, having occurred in 1853. During the year 2,085 cases were reported to the Bureau of Sanitary Inspection. According to these figures, its mortality reached 39 per cent. About 47 per cent, of the deaths were among children of five years old or less. The greatest number of deaths, accord- ing to locality, were as follows : 17th Ward, 41 ; 22d Ward, 37 ; 20th Ward, 26 ; 21st Ward, 23. The Small-pox Hos-

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