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The professional class suffer largely, therefore, perhaps mainly, from physical affections. Diabetes, a physical nervous malady, is so common among them that I once had six gentlemen, following learned professions, under my care for this disease, at the same time ; and, for many years, I have never been w'thont one or more of such cases Paralvsis of the limbs, MENTAL SCIENCE IN" GEE AT BEITAIN. 2S1 Cardura Bph witli little interference of the Cardura E10p mental faculties, is another com- mon type of disease. Affection of the kidne_ys, degeneration of the structure of those organs, is a third condition ; and dis- organization of the structure of the heart is a last and by no means a rare occurrence." The extent to which over-mental strain is injurious Cardura N10 to the young varies according to the kind and character of the work. The endeavor to fill the minds of children with artificial in- formation leads to one Cardura Online of two results. ISTot unfrequently in the very young it gives rise to direct disease of the brain itself, to deposit of tubercle if there be any predisposition to that disease, to convulsive attacks, or even to epilepsy. In less extreme cases it causes simple Order Cardura weakness and exhaustion of the mental organs, with irregularity of power. The child may grow up with a memory taxed with technicals, and im- pressed so forcibly that it is hard to make way for other knowledge ; and, added to these mischiefs, there may be, and often is, the further evil that the brain, Cardura Tablets owing to the labor put upon it, Cardura Classification becomes too fully and easily developed, too firm, and too soon mature, so that it remains throughout manhood always a large child's brain, very wonderful in a child, and equally ridiculous in a man or woman. The development in an excessive degree of one particular faculty is also a Cardura E10 common cause of feebleness. As an illustration of the danger of constantly forcing a single faculty, he tells the story of a boy whose originally good memory was cultivated to such a degree that he could Cardura Generic Name learn off fifty Purchase Cardura lines of " Paradise Lost " at a single reading. On going from school to the university he was Cardura Vs Flomax beaten by every fellow-student in the learning of detailed and detached facts. For a long time he made mistakes that were most an- noying ; he was unable, for instance, to cast up accurately any column of figures, Cardura 1 Mg he forgot Cardura 6 Mg dates, he ran over or under important appointments, misnamed authors in speaking of works of art or letters, and, in reasoning, his want of analytical power was painfully felt. It took him full ten long years to unlearn his wonderful technical art, " For the reasons given," says Dr. Eichardson, " I have always persistently opposed the special prize system in schools. 282 EECENT CONTEIBTJTIONS, ETC. A teacher, with some experience of results of teaching, I can recall no single instance in which noted prize-men in early youth bore away more than other men the prizes, that is to saj, the successes, of after-life. I have, however, Flomax Vs Cardura many, many times known the successful prize-man in the class Cheap Cardura the least successful afterward, and as often have known the most ordi- nary Buy Cardura Online youths, in class, come out as the best men in life. Over- work in the child and in the student defeats its own object ; it does not develop the powerful brain so necessary for the man : for life is ever a new and great lesson, and some young brain must be left free for the reception of lesson on lesson. Of this there need be no doubt, and there we may leave the first and leadino; fact. But the dano;er of overwork is, un- fortunately, not confined to the brain ; it extends to the body as a whole. When the brain is overworked in the growing child, however well the child may be fed, and clothed, and cared for, there will be overwaste of substance in proportion to the overwork. There will be stunted growth, and the for- mation of a bad physical body." Among the special diseases, produced by and followed upon mental strain generally (in all his six classes), he spe- cially notices diabetes, paralysis (local or Cardura 10 Mg genaral), intermit- tent pulse, and arterial relaxation with arterial murmur ; while among the diseases in which it excites latent or intensifies actual symptoms, he places certain chronic diseases of the skin, cancer, epilepsy, and insanity itself. " Respecting insanity," he observes, " I doubt whether it is ever the result of simple mental overstrain ; on the contrary, I take it rather to be an upshot of extreme mental inactivity ; but when the tendency to it is pronounced, then mental strain excites the malady. " The psychological physician is accustomed to look at men- tal as evolved Cardura For Bph from physical, or social, or transmitted causes, Cardura E10p Msds acting on the mind through the body. I have been trying to indicate, in the present efibrt, physical devastations as evolved frorfi agencies acting on the body through the miud. I think I see the reverse side of a subject which has not often been dis- cussed, the relation of mental to physical disease, and the picture thus presented is singularly instructive. It tells me PKEPUTIAL CALCULI. 283 tliat the origin of insanity, as a concrete fact, is ratlier to be sought for in inactivity, hereditary and individual inactivity of brain, than in exercise of brain ; and that excessive exercise of brain is a cause not of mental, but of physical derangement. Our uneducated, cloddish populations are, in short, as I ven- ture to assume, the breeders of our abstract insanity, while our educated, ambitious, overstraining, untiring, mental work-

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