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the temptation to waltz whenever she had the opportunity was so great that she found resistance of it almost impossible. In le 2Jetit mal^ as indeed in epilepsy of every degree, there is no circumstance too small to be unworthy of notice." " Hydrophobia in Dominica " is the title of a recent article in the Medical TimeSy by Dr. Imray, who has long practised on that island. This ])aper presents several points of great interest. In the first place, we learn that till the present year hydrophobia in man, and rabies in the dog, were unknown in the island ; secondly, that rabies seems to have been spon- taneously produced in a dog, which formed a focus for the disease ; thirdly, that, in the case of hydrophobia attended by Dr. Imray, there was no evidence that the patient (a robust negro, aged about forty-five) had ever been bitten by any an- imal ; and, fourthly, that, although he could not bear the sight 13 274 EECES'T CONTRIBUTIONS TO of water, lie waded tlirougli a stream in escaping from tlie liospital little more than twenty-four hours before death. It appears that about the beginning of the year a dog was brought from a distant part of the island, and in the course of a week after arriving at its new quarters exhibited signs of rabies, which, as the disease was unknown, were not rec- ognized at the time. It bit at the dogs in its Order Bupropion reach, and the distemper soon spread among them. These rabid dogs at- tacked cattle, sheep, and pigs, and Buy Cheap Bupropion one of them bit four chil- dren on the the same day (in April). Twenty dogs died on the estate where the outbreak occurred, and many more were killed as soon as the symptoms appeared. Six weeks after Buy Bupropion Online the children were Cheap Bupropion bitten, one was taken ill and died in two or three days, with all the symptoms of hy- drophobia, and a week later another was attacked and died in a similar manner. The locality being remote, they were be- yond the reach of medical assistance, but there could be no doubt regarding the nature of the disease. We now come to the history of the first case that ever came under professional observation on the island, and which is further remarkable in consequence of the imcertainty in regard to the source of the virus. Moreover, the fear that is regarded by some skeptical physicians as Buy Bupron Sr the cause of the dis- ease cannot have acted here, since the patient had never heard of the existence Purchase Bupropion Online of such a disease. The early part of the history of his illness, previous to his admisssion into the hospital, was obtained from his wife : " On Friday, July 28, 1871, M. K went to work in his garden. After putting out some guano, he felt something itching his right hand, and he Bupropion Online began scratching it. When he got home he complained that, although he had only scratched his hand, it was becoming painful. During the night he felt as if there were something running up the arm to the shoulder. On Saturday he remained ill at home, the pain in the arm in- creasing. On Sunday he was worse, the pain extending to the head, and there being attacks of trembling. During the day his hand trembled when he took water, and lie did not know what was the Buy Bupropion matter with him : it seemed as if there was something inside afraid of the water ; he felt as if MENTAL SCIEIS'CE IjST GEEAT BEITAIN. 275 tliere was a bar across his throat and chest, and his heart 'junjped up when he tried to drink,' On Sunday night he often called for water, but ordered it away when it was brought. ' The thing inside,' he said, ' don't want to see water.' Said Order Bupropion Online he was thirsty and hungry, but could not drink or eat. On Generic Bupropion Monday he was in bed all day, coraplaininp- of weakness and faintness. He had the same horror of water, and yet a craving for Bupron Sr Tablets it ; he asked for some in a phial instead of a cup, and said to his wife, ' Don't give it to me to my face, but bring it behind my back.' He took it quickly, and, with a struggle, carried it to his mouth and swallowed it with great difficulty." On Tuesday he Avas removed to tlie infirmary at Roseau, and came under the care of Dr. Imray, who describes his case as follows : " August 1st, M. 'N., a tall, spare, strong-looking black man, apparently between forty and fifty years of age. He is extremely agitated and frightened ; his eyes wild and staring. He speaks rapidly and eagerly ; says he is very ill, but does not know what ia the matter with him ; describes minutely his sufferings, and hopes I shall be able to do something for him. Surface cool ; free perspiration ; tongue moist, with yellowish coating ; pulse quick. His great restlessness and agitation were quieted somewhat by speaking encouragingly and soothingly to him. He stated that, while putting out some manure in his grounds, ants crawled upon his hand ; he brushed them off, but his hand and arm hurt him afterward. He does not remember being bitten by a dog, or any other animal. Some thin arrow- root ordered ; part taken with great difiiculty. Any attempt to swallow is accompanied with most distressing agitation ; he rises from his bed with terror in liis countenance, calls for people to hold him, and, unless there are two or three people to take hold of his arms and body, he will not make the effort. With the left hand he suddenly grasps the cup or glass with a great effort, and, assisted by some one also holding the vessel, it is brought to his mouth, the head is thrown back, a quick gulp of the liquid is taken, and, with a most painful struggle, it is swal- lowed. This is repeated two or three times, and lie sinks down in a state of utter exhaustion, and bathed in perepira- Purchase Bupropion

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