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point to commencing ataxia, especially the state of the optic disks, the frequency of urination, the analgesia of the lower extremities, the benoquin cream gait, and the difficulty in getting started to walk ; the latter point to a sort of moral insanity. There has evidently not been time in this case for the spinal aifection, if present, to impress its character on the mental disease. In the fifth case there are ataxic symptoms, with a certain degree of the same elevation of spirits over what would be the healthy average under the patient's circumstances." These facts seem buy benoquin online to point to at least one accompaniment, in the mental centres— that of lesion in the subordinate ma- chinery which appears to us as ataxia. That accompaniment is the state of buoyancy — high spirits. ISTor is there any thing improbable benoquin 20 in this, even if we were to suppose that mind is in some respects out of the reach of body, for there can be no condition mentioned which would be more easily proved to depend often on grossly material conditions than precisely this one of buoyancy or high spirits. In animals it can be pro- duced almost at will by certain physical treatment, and in men it can be controlled by drugs to a very considerable ex- tent, even with our present knowledge. But it is well to add at once what additional evidence can. be obtained. Three cases have been put on record by West- plial, all of which had undoubted symptoms of locomotor ataxia, and, supervening upon this, insanity ; the latter affec- buy benoquin tion took the form of " mental excitement and manie des 3IEXTAL SCIENCE IX GEE AT BEITAIX. 207 grandeurs^ In all three cases tlie spinal affection had shown itself (two, nine, and fifteen years respectively) before the patients were admitted under Dr. AYest-phal's care for mental alienation. Here, therefore, is a certain amonnt of evidence — enough at least to justify iis in asking whether there are any a priori grounds on which we might expect to find these two forms of disease linked to one another. To answer such a question it is necessary to insert some remarks as to the nature of what we designate " ataxia," I cannot follow him through the long argument which leads him to conclude that " the afterent fibres for locomotive purposes are separate from those for cutaneous sensibility," or through the secondary conclusions at which he arrives. Plis observations on the connection between the disease of unstable powers and insanity reveal to a certain degree his " scheme of the physical framework of locomotor ataxia, drawn partly from the imagination, but in good part from facts." " It can now be seen in what direction an explanation of the psychical phenomena of locomotor ataxy promoted to the brain is attempted. Granted that locomotor ataxia is a disease in benoquin cream 20 whicli running away of power is an essential element, and granted that there is that openness for transmission of organic impressions toward the mental centres, which (as in hypochon- dria) is often so marked in the benoquin monobenzone cream insane diathesis ; or, on the other hand, that the necessity for decay which lies upon tlie afferent fibres of locomotion, and produced (as benoquin online we say) the lesion there, may extend by anatomical analogy to other fibres which subserve the comparisons -between objective circum- stances constantly going on in our minds subordinately to our volitional life — fibres, namely, which, with help, collect all the impressions for us, carry them toward the brain, and often are privileged to draw power for an " ideo-motor " action of their own ; granted that these too are involved in the ruin, and that the stored-up power they formerly set in motion is buy benoquin cream left to rush off* wildly with each mad attempt to volitionize apart from a true sense of externals, and it will no longer re- main a matter of surprise that exaltation is the phase of emo- tional life, which locomotor ataxia determines in tlic brain. 268 llECENT CONTEEBUTIONS TO '' Hitherto I have considered ataxia as developing into manie des grandeurs. It will be remembered, however, that, from the cases I have myself observed, the only general con- clusion that could benoquin vitiligo be drawn was that of a certain buoyancy, a state of high spirits. It will suffice very shortly to point to what the reader will no doubt remember for himself, that buoyancy of spirits is even a more general accompaniment benoquin cream for sale of outflowing power than is the proper emotion of power, this last reposing, as it does, on a certain amount of education. JSTot by any means cdl outflowing power is so accompanied, but much is so, and especially when an excess runs off. Buoy- ancy, therefore, is very much to be expected, with any ataxia involving the conscious centres, in a patient who has in his previous life enjoyed the exercise of his powers to a fair ex- tent. In this regard the case of W. K., who displayed ataxic movements on his right side especially, but also on his left, which had previously been paralyzed, and in whom a boyish height of spirits was apparent, is a very interesting and in- structive one. ■ As the mental exaltation is the point mainly insisted on by the writer, I may briefly mention that in Case I. the patient "seems decidedly to take a happy view of things ; " that in Case II. he (being a laborer) " believes that he has a great deal of property up and down; that the railway company owes him $2,200, etc. ; that in Case III. he (being a work- house patient) " says he has property in houses, and a crown benoquin price of glory which his heavenly Father has given him, but no money, and fancies that he is very strong ; " while in Case V. he says "he is happy and well, and monobenzone benoquin is inclined to look at every thing in a happy light."

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