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had just experienced one of these outbursts. The next came on on the 21th of December. It continued for nearly three wrecks, and occasioned considerable damage to property, being but little affected by antimony and ipecacuanha, which were administered. Excitement again appeared suddenly at 3 a. m. on the morning of cost of bactrim the 4:tli of June. Tlie patient got out of bed, broke into fragments the window-shutter and door of liis room, and the furniture which it contained, and bellowed horri])ly and uninterruptedly. His complexion was scarlet, his pupils were contracted, his pulse bounding ; while the superficial veins of his neck were raised like cords above the surface. Liquid ergot (in 3 iss.-doses) was bactrim and uti administered at 3 p. M., and again at 7 r. m. It seemed to soothe him immedi- ately. During the night he was noisy at times, but tlie follow- ing morning, after two more doses, he was quiet and docile. In the afternoon he announced himself quite well, only a little tired and dizzy. The next mrsa bactrim purchase bactrim day he returned to his usual 262 EECENT CO:S'TEIBUTIO]S'S TO occupation. lie fully appreciated tlie effects of tlie ergot, and said that lie " never felt any thing take such a hold of his head." In another case, E. B., a female, aged twenty-nine, who ]iad been turbulently and dangerously maniacal for eleven years, with occasional intervals of comparative lucidity, and who had "exhausted the pharmacopoeia," ergot of rye has this year been given with gratifying results. The excitement is now thoroughly controlled by a few doses. Since taking it she has bactrim bactrim exhibited unusual somnolency. Dr. Fox believes sulfa bactrim that he has seen it secure rapid recovery from the status ejpile])tiGtLS ; and he adds that he has remarked that bromide of potassium in some cases aggravates the attacks of epileptic mania. This fact is of interest, as in a certain degree corroborating Dr. Hammond's bactrim 800 mg views regarding the . danger of giving this salt in large doses in certain cerebral states. The form in which bactrim and the ergot is given is that of the fluid extract, given in doses of a drachm or a drachm and a half, three times daily. Dr. Moxon, of Guy's Hospital, has published (in the Medi- cal Times for August 26th) a " case of cerebral rheumatism treated by the cold bath," which, although it terminated fa- tally, is deserving bactrim for mrsa of notice for the commentary which that able physician has attached to it. " R. B. H., aged twenty-three, a policeman, was admitted with all the symptoms of acute articular rheumatism, on ISTo- vember 27, 1871, having been suffering for three days previ- ously. He was at once put under alkaline treatment; and nothing M'orthy of bactrim 800mg special notice was observed till the 13th of December, when a sudaminous rash appeared on the trunk, and a rub was heard over the heart's surface synchronous with its action, but only during inspiration. He was too ill to be raised in bed. Although his whole condition was worse than ever, he now said he was mucli better and free from pain ; but his eyes glistened with a singular aj^pearance, bactrim 400 mg and his manner was excited. In the night he was delirious, and the next morning his temperature was 105°, pulse 102, respira- tion 321 ; perspiration and urine were acid in reaction. MENTAL SCIEISrCE KST GEEAT BEITAIIS^ 2G3 " Tlie next day tlie temperature was bactrim prices 106°, pulse 101, and lie was quite delirious. A slight systolic rub was to be heard over the heart, but only on inspu-ation, so that the probability of pleurisy outside the pericardium was inferred. A grain of antimony was given every quarter of an hour until four grains were given, but the temperature antibiotic bactrim rather rose than fell. " The condition of the patient was now very threatening. Muttering delirium, carphosis, and intense heat, showed that he would soon be sinking. He was then taken from his bed and put into a cold bath, the temperature of which was 61°. The water was about twelve and a half inches deep in the bath, and its temperature rose during the immersion from 61" to 6S°, while the patient's temperature fell from 106.2° to 98°. When in the bath, water was poured over his head to prevent cerebral congestion, if it be so caused. On removal from the bath he was put to bed, and rubbed dry and bactrim tablets wrapped in wool- len blankets. He was quite conscious at the time he was in the bactrim price bath, and continued so for a quarter of an hour afterward, but his delirium and carphology then returned gradually, and his temperature rose slowly and gradually, reaching, at five in the morning, 105° ; the patient very delirious. Dr. De Liefde, the house-physician (who carried out my wishes with his usual ability and Urmness), then gave brandy bactrim generic up to three ounces in the course of three hours, but without any benefit. At half-past nine the next morning Dr. De Liefde saw him, and thus described his condition : ' He was very delirious, caught hold of the bedclothes, the curtains, or my coat and hands. The j)ulse was 172 per minute, as far as I could ascer- tain, but full; his face looked congested ; he mumbled with his lips, and his skin was of an arid heat ; the temperature of axilla 108°. Considering that, in my opinion, he was mate- rially benefited by the former bath, which, I believe, had antibiotics bactrim already prolonged his life, I determined bactrim cost to follow out the in- structions of Dr. Moxon, and immersed him again. , He looked very blue in the face and was very dihrious, so I did not keep him in longer than four minutes, and, on his removal, had him rubbed again by the nurses. His condition was not generic for bactrim much changed by the second batli ; he remained blue; te]n])crature, 103.2° ; pulse, 152 ; and continued to be delirious. On my

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