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with new connective tissue. The basement membranes of the tubes are thickened, and are accompanied by bands of con- nective tissue. The intertubular capillaries are partly dilated, partly small and fatty. The atrophy consists, therefore, in a suppression of the function of a number Buy Aerovent of the tubes, with obliteration of some of the Atrovent Online blood-vessels and increase of the interstitial tissue. Both processes, that in tlie epithelium and that in the con- nective tissue, can occur separately, but are usually combined. 4. Amyloid Degeneration. — He describes this form in much the same way as other authors. He regards the degen eration of tlie vessels only as a complication Order Atrovent Online of the paren- chymatous and interstitial change. 5. The Fatty Kidney. — There is an infiltration of the epi- thelium with fat, or a fatty degeneration. The condition is described in the same way as the diffuse granular degeneration ofKlebs. It will be seen from the preceding abstracts that, while these authors have apparently observed the same forms of kid- ney-diseases, their interpretation of them is very different. 1. They all describe a form of disease in which the kidney is large and the cortex white, with or without hsemorrhagic spots, and which occurs with scarlet fever, and after exposure to cold. Frerichs describes this as tlie Generic Atrovent first and second stage of Bright's disease. The principal feature of the lesion is the ex- udation of fibrine into and between the tubes. The degenera- tion of the epithelium is secondary to this. Yirchow gives the most prominent share to the changes in the epithelial cells and their parenchymatous inflammation. George Johnson considers the lesion to consist in a des- quamation of the renal epithelium, and does not speak of any exudation between the tubes CHEONIC DIFFUSE NEPHRITIS. 249 Grainger Buy Cheap Atrovent Stewart describes the lesion in the same way as Frericlis, but does not put any exudation between the tubes. Dickinson describes the lesion under the name of acute tubal nephritis, in the same way as Johnson does. Klebs calls Order Atrovent it interstitial nephritis. There is an accumu- lation of serum in the lymphatics and interstitial tissue, and an emigration of white blood-oflobules into the interstitial tissue. The degeneration of the epithelium is secondary to this, Rindjleiscti admits two forms, one in which the princi- pal changes are in the epithelium, and one in which Purchase Atrovent Online they are in the interstitial tissue. Rosendein^ like Rindfleisch, admits two forms. 2. They describe a chronic form Cheap Atrovent of disease, occurring in connection with exhausting diseases, and not attended by acute symptoms. The kidney is of medium size, or large ; the cortex white and opaque. Buy Atrovent Online Freriohs does not describe this. Johnson describes the condition under the names of chronic non-desquamative disease, granular fat kidney, and mottled fat kidney. In the granular fat kidney the white cortex is mot- tled with yellow spots; in the mottled fat kidney the cortex is mottled red and yellow. The lesion consists in a fatty and granular degeneration of the tubes. Stewart calls it simple fatty degeneration. Dickinson calls it chronic tubal nephritis. Klebs calls it diffuse granular degeneration, and the pro- cess a degeneration and not an inflammation. Rindfleisch includes it under the name of parenchymatous nephritis. Rosenstein describes two varieties under the names of catarrhal nephritis and fatty degeneration. 3. They describe a form of disease characterized by atrophy of the kidney, with thinning and roughening of the cortex. Frerichs makes this the third stage of Bright's disease. Johnson calls it chronic desquamative nephritis. Stewart describes it under two different heads, as the third stage of the inflammatory form, Buy Atrovent and as the cirrhotic or contracting kidney. DicMnson calls it granular degeneration. 250 CHR0JV7IC DIFFUSE liTEPHRITIS, Klebs calls it the third stage pf interstitial nephritis. Ixindjieisch says it may be the result of parenchymatous or of interstitial nephritis, or of both Purchase Atrovent combined,

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