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with little rounded nodules. The cortex is thin. Cysts are
often found in the cortex and cones. There is an increase of
fibrous tissue around the Malpighian bodies and vessels, Purchase Trihexyphenidyl
and beneath the capsule and deeper in the cortex. The
cortical tubes are atrophied or dilated, but many tubes may Buy Trihexyphenidyl
remain unchanged. The tubes may be filled with epithelium,
or with Artane Online transparent, fibrinous material. In the majority ol
cases the epithelium is exactly such as is found in normal
kidneys. When changed, it is by an alteration in its regular-
ity of form, becoming somewhat angular, as if cramped in
growing space. The circulation through the blood-vessels is
much obstructed. The formation of cysts is due to dilatation
of the tubes, or of the Malpighian capsules.
4. Depurative Infiltration. — The kidney is at first of
normal size, pale, and its surface smooth. The only change is
in the Malpighian tufts, which Order Artane react with iodine. As the dis-
ease goes on, the kidney becomes larger and its capsule ad- Order Trihexyphenidyl Online
herent. The cortex is of a pale, opaque fawn-color, or has a
pinkish or gray translucency. Afterward the kidney atrophies
and its surface becomes nodulated. There Order Trihexyphenidyl may be small
cysts. In cases of long standing, almost the entire organ
gives the Buy Cheap Artane characteristic reaction with iodine. The first change
is the infiltration of the Malpighian bodies and vessels. After-
ward new fibrous tissue is formed between the tubes, the
epithelium degenerates ; the Generic Artane tubes are dilated and contain
fibrinous casts.
It will be seen that the name of " depurative infiltration "
is given to the same form of kidney-disease which is called by
others waxy or amyloid. This is done to carry out the au-
thor's hobby, as to the nature of the waxy change. Purchase Trihexyphenidyl Online
Klebs describes :
1. Diffuse Granular Degeneration of the Buy Trihexyphenidyl Online Epithelium. —
■This condition is found by itself, and in connection witli
lesions, in the interstitial tissue. By itself, it occurs with
pyaemia, phthisis, rheumatism, typhoid and typhus Order Artane Online fevers, the
malarious fevers, the acute exanthemata, extensive burns,
poisoning with phosphorus, and the mineral acids. During
life the urine may contain granular casts and albumen. The
kidney is somewhat enlarged, the cortex grayish yellow, the
pyramids bluish red. There may be little extravasations of
blood in the convoluted tubes. The epithelium of the tubes
is granular and Artane 1 Mg may distend them. The tubes may contain
casts. These changes are most frequent in the convoluted
tubes, but are sometimes confined to the straight tubes of the
pyramids. The entire process is a degenerative and not an
inflammatory one.
2. Cyanotic Induration of the Kidneys. — This condition
is produced by any long-continued obstruction to the escape of
venous blood from the kidneys, most frequently by heart-dis-
ease. The kidneys are increased in size, the surface smooth,
the capsule not adherent. The organ is hard, the cortex and
pyramids congested, and of a dark-red color. The epithelium
of the tubes .is not altered. The interstitial tissue is harder,
but not increased in amount. The continued congestion may,
after a time, produce further changes. The epithelium of the
convoluted tubes may undergo granular degeneration, and the
cortex becomes paler. Or there may be an increase of inter-
stitial tissue, and the surface becomes nodular.
3. Interstitial Nephritis. — This has two stages Purchase Artane : (1.) That
of cell-infiltration ; (2.) That of atrophy,
(«.) The Stage of Cellular Infiltration of the Interstitial
Connective Tissue. — The kidney is increased in size. The sur-
face is smooth, the capsule not adherent. The cortex is of a
whitish or yellow color, the pyramids red. In Artane Tablets the cortex the
tissue between the tubes is everywhere increased from two to
four fold. This increase is due to the pressure of lymphatic
elements and of clear serum. There is at first an exudation
of Ij^mphatic fiuid, which dilates the lymphatic vessels of the
interstitial Buy Artane tissue, and is accompanied by an emigration of
white blood-globules, which finally fill all the spaces in the
interstitial tissue. The epithelium of the convoluted Buy Artane Online tubes
imdergoes granular degeneration in consequence of its dis-
turbed nutrition. The increased pressure of Artane Price blood causes an
exudation of the elements of the blood from the Malpighian
tufts, namely, fibrinogenic material which coagulates in the
tubes, albumen, and red blood-globules. The lymphatic cells
perforate the basement membrane of the tubes, and become
adherent to the fibrinous casts.
(J.) The Stage of Atrophy.— The preceding stage may
terminate in resolution and recovery. If it does not, it is
succeeded either by a hyperplasia of connective Artane 2 Mg tissue or
by granular atrophy.
If there is a lijperplasia of connective tissue, the kidneys
are of normal size, or slightly atrophied. The capsule is some-
what adherent. The cortex is whitish, yellowish, or Purchase Artane Online mottled.
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