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period it declined — at first steadily, but afterward with con- siderable rapidity — to less than 100 deaths weekly in August, and the minimum of 51 deaths was touched in the last week of September. Since that time, and especially within the last month, there have been indications of recrudescence which demand the serious consideration of all who are intrusted with the care of tlie public health. — aldactone 50 mg Lancet, January 6, 1872. Resection of the (Esophagus. — To the current number of Langenbeck's Archiv, Prof. aldactone price Billroth, of Vienna, contributes a most interesting and suggestive paper bearing the title, " Qeber die Resection des (Esophagus." He states that some time aldactone order ago, after a post-mortem examination of his first patient affected with carcinoma of the oesophagus, the possibility suggested inSCELLANEOUS AISTD SCIENTIFIC ISTOTES. 217 itself of making a resection of this part aldactone buy of buy cheap aldactone the alimentary tube. The fact that the lymphatic glands in the neighbor- hood of the diseased part are not generally affected, and the partial success which had hitherto attended the operation of oesophagotomy in this disease, together with aldactone tablets the analogy of external urethrotomy in cases of gangrene or ulceration of the urethra, seemed to lend support to such an idea. The passing, moreover, of bougies through cicatricial tissue was far prefer- able to tlie manipulation of such instruments in a tube aldactone cost with ulcerated aud weakened vralls. On A])ril 21st of last year, a large dog was put mider the influence of chloroform, and a piece, about an inch and a half in length, was cut out of the whole circumference of the oesophagus. The lower end of the divided tube was then fastened by a couple of sutures to the skin at the margin of the external wound. Up to the 26th of the same month the animal was fed with milk through a tube passed into the wound, but on and after this date the tube was passed via the mouth. A week after the operation the sutures were removed. By the end of June the fistulous buy cheap spironolactone opening liad completely closed, and the purchase aldactone online process aldactone mg of healing would have been quicker if it had not been that the dog, like human patients, dissatisfied with " milk diet," purloined the more solid food of neighbor- ing victims to science. After the closure of the oesophageal fistula, whicli took place at the end of June, the tube was daily dilated by a bougie purchase aldactone of the diameter of a large in- dex-finger. After the healing of the wound the order aldactone online doo; was in capital condition, eating meat, potatoes, etc., but the variety of fare was not allowed to extend to b(mes. generic aldactone On July 26th the animal was killed with cyanide of cheap aldactone potassium ; and all that was found as a trace of the operation was an annular scar, scarcely half a line in width, and moreover easily dilatable. — Lancet. A Victory for the Ladies. — IS'ew- Year's Day in Edinburgh was signalized by a victory for the lady medical students. At the annual meeting of contributors to the Eoyal Infirmary, the question aldactone 25 mg of admitting ladies to the wards for purposes of clinical instruction came up in connection with the election of managers. The retiring managers whose reelection was pro- posed were confronted by nominees favorable to the admission of lady students into the infirmary. After an animated dis- cussion a division was taken, when the nominees were declared duly elected by 177 to 168. A scrutiny was demanded on behalf of the defeated managers. Thereafter it was proposed that the meeting should consider the advisability of enacting 218 MISCELLANEOUS AND SCIENTIFIC NOTES. that henceforward all registered students of medicine shall have full admission to all the educational advantages of the infirmary without reference to sex. The defeated niinoritj objected to this resolution, that they had not received the statutory month's notice of the intention to introduce it. The friends of the ladies, however, persisted in moving the resolu- tion, which was unanimously adopted — their opponents having previously left the room. — Lancet. Transfusion of Blood. — At a late meeting of the Obstet- rical Society of aldactone online Dublin {Lancet)^ two cases of transfusion of blood were detailed by Dr. Ringland, one of which proved successful. In both cases the instrument used was that in- vented by Dr. McDonnell, of Dublin, in which an arrange- ment exists to obviate the danger of air entering the circula- tion during the operation. The Gaz. Med. Ital. Prov. Venei. published a case of gastric haemorrhage in a woman sixty- three years buy aldactone online of age, who,, being in articulo mortis, was restored by the injection of one and a half ounce of delibrinated blood tahen from the arm of her son. In seven days she was dis- charged cured from the hospital. In the Centralhlatt some cases of tranfusion have been published by Juergensen, and extensively quoted. In a case of gastric ulcer, complicated with pleurisy, in which the patient was reduced to the last extremity, the operation was without beneiit. Two other pa- tients recovered, one a case of phosphorus-poisoning, in which there was much hsemorrhage ; the other a case of asphyxia from carbonic acid, in which the beneiit was most marked, and for which accident Juergensen looks upon transfusion as an important remedy. Eoyal Victims to Small-Pox. — Dr. John QdixdiXWQr {Edmhurgh Medical Journal) has collected the following history of the ravages of small-pox buy spironolactone online in some of the royal houses of Europe, hoping thus to impress the public mind more forcibly as to the advantages of vaccination : Among the family of Charles I., of Great Britain, of his forty-two lineal descendants up to the date of 1712, iive were killed outriglit by small-pox ; viz., his son Henry, Duke of Gloucester ; and liis daughter buy spironolactone Mary, wife of the Prince of Or-

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