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Dr. Michael Foster has investigated the physiological properties of the dei'ivatives of codeia. As we have given an account of their chemical properties as stated in Prof. Wright's paper, we corai^lete the subject by Buy Acticin noting some of Dr. Foster's experiments: The hydrochlorate of clilorotetracodeia, and the hydrobromate of bromotetraraorphia, in doses of a decigramme by subcutaneous injection or by the mouth, produced in adult cats in a very few minutes a condition of great excitement, almost amounting to delirium, accompanied by a copious flow of saliva and great dilatation of the pupils. Micturition and defecation occurred in some instances, and vomiting was observed on two occasions with the morphia-salt, but was very slight. The excitement was very peculiar, being apparently due partly to increased sensitiveness to noises, and partly to an impulse to rush about. The same doses of the morphia- salt given to a young kitten produced the same flow of saliva, dilatation of pupils, and excitement (without vomiting); but the stage of excitement, which in adult cats passed grad- ually otf in a few hours, was followed by a Purchase Acticin condition marked by a want of coordination of muscular movements, and presenting the most grotesque resemblance to certain stages of alcoholic intoxication. This stage was followed in turn by sleepiness and stupor, in which the kitten was left at Purchase Acticin Online night; in the morning it was found dead. Two observations have shown that these salts pai'alyze (in dogs and cats) the inhibitory fibres of the pneumogastric; they also seem to lower the internal tension, but Acticin Cream 5 want of material has prevented from ascertaining how tliis is brought about. Acticin Price On rcibMts neitlier salt, even in doses of a decigramme, seems to have any effect, except jjerhaps a slight excitement. There is no dilatation of the pupils, no flow of saliva, and, if one observation can be trusted, no paralysis of the inhibitory fibres of the pneumogastric. No Acticin Cream marked difference was observable between the two salts, except that the Buy Acticin Online morphia Generic Acticin salts seemed rather more potent than the corresponding codeia bodies. The salts of deoxycodeia and deoxymorphia given by mouth or by sub- cutaneous injection, in doses of a decigramme, produced in adult cats, almost immediately after exhibition, a series of convulsions much more epileptic in character than tetanic. In one case there was a distinct ro- tatory movement. In a few minutes these convulsions passed away, leaving the animal exhausted and frightened. Then followed a state of excitement, with dilated pupils and flow of saliva, very similar to the eflects of the te- tracodeia and tetramorphia salts, but less marked. MISCELLANEOUS AND SCIENTIFIC NOTES. 211 P^isallaiTcous mib- Smnitftc Jot^s. Billroth on Acupressure, Acutorsion, and Torsion. — In Hfty cases of amputation Prof. Billroth performed acupressure or acutorsion, using on an average four needles in each case; he has perfoj-med it on two hundred arteries, including fifteen cases of amputation of the thigh ; he has had no opportunity in cases of amputation of hip-joint, having had no cases lately ; in Order Acticin Online exarticulation of shoulder he never succeeded in fixino- the needles firmly enough to rely on methods ahove named. Acutorsion was performed more, acupressure less frequently, acufilapressure in no case. Hsemorrhage following removal of needles occurred in one case only ; he accounts for it by his having performed acupressure according to the first English method, compressing against the integument, the brachial artery, the median nerve, and belly of the biceps muscle ; this caused fluxion to the compressed parts ; removing the needle, they receded, tearing the adhesions which had compressed the artery. He therefore abstains from acupressure Acticin Permethrin Cream en masse, and recommends careful acutorsion. In acutorsion, he considers one half turn sufiicient, and preferable to a whole turn or more, since the needle is removed more readily. Gold needles occasionally become bent if very long ; but they can be re- moved without causing irritation, and are therefore preferable to all others. Prof, Billroth attempted torsion in several cases of amputa- tion of the breast, with such negative results that he abstained from it until again led to it by English surgeons, and Porta, who performed it four hundred times without secondary haemorrhage (out of twenty-three attempts of torsion of the femoral artery he failed four times, and applied ligatures). During last summer Billroth performed torsion in five am- putations of the leg, two of the foot, two of the fore, and one of the upper arm ; also upon the greater number of arteries in several amputations of the thigh. Secondary haemorrhage occurred in one case, from the pos- terior tibial ; he believes this was due to his having forced the torsion. To perform torsion successfully, he considers it neces- 212 MISCELLANEOUS AND SCIENTIFIC NOTES. sary — 1. To isolate the vessel tlioroughly ; 2. To Buy Cheap Acticin grasp the end of the same with a strong, well-fitting pinzette ; 3. There must be a certain length of vessel from the end to the nearest branch. These conditions are not given in the mammse, hence his previous failure. Although Porta recommends making but slight traction, Order Acticin four to five turns in small, and six to eight in large vessels, Billroth has in every case drawn out the vessel from one to one and a half inch, and turned the pincers until the vessel was torn asunder, one portion remaining in the instrument, the other receding ; this was done to alter the walls as much and as far as possible, in order to gain an extensive thrombus.

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