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tongue red. She was suffering severe pain, chiefly in the course of the right supra- and infra-orbital nerves. She was given five drops of amyl to smelL While the charactei-istic reddening of the face was When Will Aciphex Go Generic setting in, she said slie felt giddy ; she seemed inclined to fall, and probably would liave fallen, had I not helped her to a seat. I have frequently known a giddy feeling occur from its use, and look upon it as due to the suddenly-induced alteration in the cerebral circulation, or to muscular relaxation. In the present case the giddiness was more marked than usual. In less than two minutes the face resumed its pale color, but the pain, with the exception of a slight "soreness" about tlie forehead, had gone. In ten minutes after- ward pain returned in the right forehead, but not in the cheek. I then applied, for five minutes, to the right temple, some bisulphide of carbon, as recommended by the late Dr. Kennion, of Harrogate. This Purchase Aciphex Online gave additional relief, and when she left me there was only a little soreness over the right eyebrow. I prescribed for her nothing more than the ordinary hospital white mixture. Next day, Thursday, the 14-th, she suffered nearly as much pain as on any previous day. On the 15th she came a second time to me. Amyl was re- MATERIA MEDIC A. 200 applied, and this time v/ith complete relief. I tlien gave hov some in a bottle, ro take Lome, with instructions that she was to use it whenever the pain caine on. On the 16th, at 9.30 a. m., the pain returned.- She used theamyl, and one inhalation gave her complete ease for the rest of the day. On the ITth. at 9 a. ji., the pain again set in. One application of the amyl suffined to stave off the Aciphex Generic Name attack. On the IStl:, at 10 a. m.. she felt some pain, but not much. She used amyl, and no further pain troubled her. On the 19th, she visited me, for the third time, in order to tell me the result. The pain had quite left her, and she felt, as well as usiiil. She was very thankful for the relief she had obtained, and spoke much in praise of the remedy. In some forms of hemicrania and headaches the pain is probably in some way connected with cerebral anoemia, the result of art;erial spasm. In migraine and most neuralgias there probably exists some What Is Aciphex 20 Mg Aciphex Savings Card imperfect nu- trition of the nervous tissue, atrophic or anaemic. In Aciphex Rebate Coupon such cases it is posn eible that the increased supply of blood caused by inhalation of amyl may supply the posterior roots of the implicated cerebral nerves witjj that pabu- lum which they need. This case leads me to think that Buy Cheap Aciphex nitrite of amyl will prove a valuable remedy in that form of tic called by Trousseau "epileptiform neuralgia." Nitrite of Amyl as r/n Antidote to Certain Poisons. — I mu-t loave, for future publication, some remarks on this head, which, had space permitted, 'would now be included Buy Generic Aciphex in this paper. I will briefly mention that there art well-founded physiological repsous for believing that amyl is in many re- spects antagonistic to chloral and ergot; that it is likely to be a valuable agent in cases of overdosing by chloroform ; and that it is capable, geiier- ally, under certain conditions, of counteracting the tendency to death by anajraia, syncope, and apncea. Aciphex Coupon Rebate 2. — T/ierapeiUiG Action and Uses of Turpentine. [Medical Press and Circular, September 6, 1871.] Aciphex Discount Card At the last meeting of the Edinburgh Medico-Chirurgical Society — Dr. H. Bennett in the chair — Dr. Warburtoii Begbie read a jjaper on the above subject. He gave a brief sketch of the ancient history of the drug from the time of IIipi)Ooratcs, with a notice of the various forms in which tho oleo-resins of the coniferte are used or have been used in therapeutics. Oil of turpentine was describfd as being irritant and stimulant, quickening the circulation and augmenting the temperature of the body. In larger doses it produces a sort Is There A Generic For Aciphex of intoxication; in drachm-doses it is hypnotic. Ex- ternally it is a valuable ruliefacient, and is absorbed by the skin so as very- soon to be recognized in the breath, and by its characteristic violaceous odor in the urine. The production of this violaceous odor in its perfection seeme to be a test, of the integrity of the urinary org.-ms, as it is less marked or absent Order Aciphex Online in disease of Aciphex 40 Mg the kidneys. The therapeutic actions and uses of tur- pentine are various: 1. As a cathartic it is uncertain, but along with castor- oil it is useful in cases of obstinate obstruction and tympanitis. 2. As an anthelmintic it is chiefly used as a cure for tape-worm; also, in the form of enema, it destro3'S Aciphex Tablets ascarides and lumbrici. 3. Though turpentine some- times causf s hfcmaturia, it cures certain passive lueniorrhages. It is useful in purpura, probably acting thi-ough the nervous system ; and is Generic Name For Aciphex useful also in haemoptysis, ho3!naturia, and uterine hemorrhages. 4. As a stimulant^ it is especially valuable in adynamic fevers; as in the stupor of typhus, in certain kinds of delirium, and in the later stages of Aciphex Buy enteric fever with a dry tongue. 5. In certain nervous diseases, such as epilepsy and chorea, 14 210 HEPOETS OH THE PEOGRESS OF MEDICINE. it is said to be very useful ; but in epilepsy it is supplanted by bromide of potassium, and in chorea Aciphex Pi by arsenic. In certain forms of sciatica and crural or brachial neuralgia in the aged, twenty m.iniin-doses tlirice daily have a very good effect. In the nervous headacbe of delicate females, and the headache which is induced by fatigue, Aciphex Generic Equivalent it is a better stimulant even than strong tea, and without the effect which tea so often has of banishing sleep. 6. In all chronic discharges from mucous membranes, such as chronic and fetid broncliitis, it is very useful, and even is advantageous in gangrene of the lung in checking the fetor. Under this head some interest- ing cases were given of gangrene of lung depending on the presence oi foreign bodies. — A discussion followed, in which the chaii-man, Mr. B. Bell, Dr. T. E. Fraser, Mr. Lister, Dr. Smart, Dr. T. Aciphex Generic Available G. Stewart, and Dr. Joseph Bell, took part. Additional evidence as to the value of turpentine in ha3morrhagc and in chronic mucous discharges was elicited. 3. — Physiological Action of the Codeia Derivatives. [Medical Press and Circular.]

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