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the 26th of January. He now notices this difference in its action. Lat- Aciclovir 5 Cream terly he finds that though the pain gives way as quickly after the inhala- tion as at first, yet in a few minutes he feels that it is about to recur; he then takes a few more whiffs from his bottle and is easy. For this reason the inhalation has to be repeated sometimes three or four times before the Aciclovir Tablets 800mg attack completely gives way. In the case I have described, the pallor, coldness, and arterial tension, fol- lowed on the inhalation of amyl by redness of Aciclovir Cold Sore Cream surface, warmth of body, and relaxation of the arterial circulation, indicate that a tonic condition of the arterioles existed, and that the good efl:ects of amyl were due to its antago- nistic eftects on the muscular tissue of the arteries, probably though to medium of the vaso-motor nerves. V. Syncope. — While puncturing a small abscess in the upper eyelid of Mrs. T , aged forty, her face became pale, the mnscles around the mouth twitched in a convulsive manner, and she would have fallen had I not kept her up. She was carried to a sofa close by, and in a few seconds was perfectly unconscious. The radial pulse could scarcely be felt. I hur- riedly poured some Aciclovir Cold Sore nitrite of amyl upon a pocket-handkerchief, and applied it to her nostrils. It seemed for a minute to have no effect, but then color reappeared in the face, and the Aciclovir Eye Ointment radial pulse was felt beating rapidly and strongly. At the time this happened I felt certain that the nitrite of amyl was of considerable service : the syncope would probably have continued longer but for its use. Buy Aciclovir How soon she would have rallied after she was put on the sofa in a recumbent posture had the amyl not been employed, it is impossible for me to say. She had never before had a similar attack. There are Aciclovir Tablets 200mg many forms of syncope in which tliis remedy will probably be found to be useful. VI. Epilepsy. — "What is known of the pathoh)gy of epilepsy leads one to think that the inhalation of amyl may be of service, both in preventing a fit that is about to occur, and likewise in stopping or diminishing the actual fit itself. There seems to Aciclovir Tablets To Buy be in epilepsy some perverted nervous action causing spasm of the contractile fibres of the cerebral vessels, and those also of the muscles of the face, pharynx, larynx, respiratory apparatus, and the limbs generally. The loss of consciousness is probably due to tlje fact that, by the con- traction of Aciclovir Dispersible Tablets the cerebral vessels, the brain is deprived of its due supply of blood. I have but once tried nitrite of amyl dui-ing an epileptic fit, and the evidence Aciclovir 800mg I have to offer is not precise and complete enough to entitle the observation to be considered as a proof of the value of amyl in epilepsy. A little Aciclovir Buy boy named John Davies, aged three years, was brought to the Brecon Infirmary on the 5th of September. He had been suffering from fits for twelve months past at the i-ate of six or ei^ht in the twenty-fonr hours. A Aciclovir Tablets Buy Online fit lasted from ten to twenty minutes. The history of his case was not simply that of convulsions. Tlie suddenness, both of invasion and of loss of consciousness, and the average duration of the paroxysm, pointed to epilepsy — to "le haut mal." While the mother was in the waiting- room the boy had a fit, and she at once brought him to mo. I ap])lied nitrite of amyl to his nostrils; he got exceedingly red in the face, and in about two minutes was unconscious. Buy Aciclovir Online 20S EEP0ET3 OK THE PEOGEESS OF MEDICINE. The mother said she Where To Buy Aciclovir was " sure that it helped him out of his fit." I, too, am Valaciclovir Vs Aciclovir pretty certain tliat it did. He was Aciclovir Bp ordered to take brondde of po- tassium. From the 5th to tlie 9th of September he continued to have fits, but from Buy Aciclovir Tablets Uk the 9t!i to the 16th lie had not had one. VII. Laryngeal Spasm. — In hiryngismns stridulus or spasmodic croup, the spasm of the adductors of the vocal cords and the carpo-pedal contrac- tions seem to point to nitrite of amy! as a valuable therapeutical agent in the treatment of the paroxysm. I have not yet had a chance of trying it. Aciclovir Cream Bp In whooping-cough also it may perhaps render good service, by relaxing spasm of the glottis. Apart from physiological reasons, the oidy case I have met with that illustrates the action of arayl in laryngeal spasm is one which, I acknowledge, does not entitle me to speak with any authority on the subject. VIII. Coi.ic AND Enteralgia. — In these affections such symptoms as tlie cool skin, pale face, slow pulse, and spasmodic pains of an ordinary attack, indicate the employment of amyl. More especially would it be likely to be useful in those severe attacks which are accompanied with clammy perspiration, dusky hue, and the general signs of collapse. Dr. Anstie last year stated that he had used it in two or three cases of spas- modic cramps associated with flatulence ; and he is reported as Buy Aciclovir Tablets having said, " There can be little doubt in my mind that amyl is a prompt relaxcr of spasm in the alimentary canal." Spasm of the pharynx or oesophagus, biliiuy and renal colic, vesical and urethral spasm, may perhaps yield to the action of amyl. Hiccough, too, judging from its spasmodic nature, may also be expected to be checked by this remedy. IX. Headache and Facial Neuralgia. — I have, during the lastweek, had under my cure a good example of that form of hemicrania designated " sun-pain," the latter name being confined to those instances of the aff"ec- tion in which the pain continues only so long as the sun is above the horizon. Elizabeth G , a cook, aged forty, came to me on "Wednesday, the 13th September. For the preceding fourteen days she had suff'ered severely from headache and face-ache. The severe pain was chiefly localized about the right forehead, brow, eyeball, and upper half of cheek, but there was some pain about the left brow and the left molar region. The pains began every morning about nine o'clock and disappeared about five in the even- ing. She liad comfortable nights. She had been sick; vomiting once, or oftener, every day. When seen by me her face was pale, pulse feeble,

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